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"~ de merveilles:"
Unknown's tales
3 new items in shop! check em out!!!
Unknown "~ de merveilles:" Dazed
- 16 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
on a brighter note. . . a gift was recieved that i sent, cost about $250 in total but it was delivered and very much appreciated. I'll just say it. It was for my fav singer and i had to ship it to japan and it was originally for christmas but it ddn't get there so the co delivering it held it till the next chance which was the singer's b-day live. So they delivered adn for about a week he ddn't really update on how his b-day went so i was still scraed that he ddn't get it. Then i checked on his blog and behold, he dedicated 2 blog entries on just how much he loved the gifts. (*_ *) it really made me happy. He even said that he want's to come to Canada to perform for us (sister and me had sent the gifts) but his manager wouldn't let him, lol so ya, that is a happy thought taht i try to dwell on. I really wanna visit japan and visit my singer and perhaps invite him for a beer or smntg! ;D good thing about my sister knowing japanese!! yosh.
Unknown "~ de merveilles:" Dazed
- 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
wow. i had the worst 2 days at work. I have the night off (thank GOD). All that kept me going was 'if i get thru this, i have 2 nights off. Please survive till then.' I ddn't really survive. In the morning got yelled at more than the night before. Was stressed to the point where i started crying. I've only cried at work 3x. I really hate it but i somtimes can't take it anymore. Esp not much sleep, stress of getting everythng done...yeah, and knowing i'll get shit for it. So ya, i really am thinking of quitting very very soon. I would even be willing to get a minimum wage job that would be half of what i make right now because yeah, if i plan to go back to school soon, i won't be able to survive the stress level. i'm weak that way. so ya, i'll probly start dropping off resumes EVERYWHERE but sux ass because right now with economy being so bad, there's like no jobs. (- -) so that's why i need to finish that 20mnth course for hair-dressing so that i can start working right after. That'd be somthng i actually wanna do. (* *) this was my original plan. Maybe i should seriously start doing manga. . . but where to start. i should look into it. (+ +) fuck i somtimes hate life.
Unknown "~ de merveilles:" Dazed
- 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
my neck hurts. 34......and i.....almost 23.......(- -) i wish i had the resources and the stregnth and courage...but i don't. I have plans but not sure if they'd work. . .And would i be too late. I don't want to think of it like that. :C .........i will sleep lots today...i hope. I need a computer desk btw.
Unknown "~ de merveilles:" Dazed
- 16 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
hello hello, first of all, thankyou to all those who sent me holiday cards and such, I recieved them and love them all, and i hope mine got to you! ^ ^ well, i havn't been on here for a while since i don't really have net access, except at work on my breaks...which isn't a whole lot. I am moving out so my comp is still unusable and there's no net hooked up at the residance. (- 0 -) it might be a while. Stuff i've done: survived Christmas almost paid off loan finished 2 paintings that i've put off forever! organized materials (4 boxes transfered to 2 large plastic bins!) started rereading 'Dragon Knights' manga started rewatching 'Keroro Guso' and i have some goals that i want to complete before next week: Pay off stu loan finish 2 paintings for gifts organize room for now that's all.....
Unknown "~ de merveilles:" Dazed
- 16 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
 Welcome to my shop!!! please look around and find rare treasures and gifts for your pets, masters or friends! ^ ^ Please visit again!
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