I HAD 2 COPY THIS 2 MY TALES JUST CAUSE IT IS SO FUNNY. IT IS MY PETS TALE> :) Don't you love it when people think they know all about you? Then they go and stick their nose in places where it doesn't belong. By doing so they just look completely retarded when who they talk to finds out that they are so full of shit thats why their "red" hair is brown. For one when you specify that something was used at a certain time by me, you should make sure I owned such a thing at that time before opening your damn mouth. Well done, you just finished your qualifications for the next Special Olympics genius. Oh and thank you for proving me right - no one knows me like they think they do. But that will change soon, the woman I love will know more about me than anyone else in this world. Period. That's the way it should be. She will know when she knows all there is to know about me - she won't be able to stop smiling when someone opens their mouth about me and how much they know. To those people that will open their olympic mouths - BOO!!! To my future wife that has the boobs I love - FUCKIN YAY!!!!!!
Unknown "Mrs. Perfekt" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
Well it looks like that I will be moving to Grande Prairie sometime after June. It is totally nerve raking. I have so much to do before I can go there. I em so excited to though. Cause I get to be with my baby. I love you hunny!!!!!!!!! lol. Well the whole visit was good to. We had lots of fun and when I mean fun we all know what I can be referring to ;. lol Not with just that but I got to know him more on a personal level and I love it!!!!! He is awesome. Even when he grabs other girls boobs. I love everything about him. Anyways talk all to you later. Ciao
Unknown "Mrs. Perfekt" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
I really don't know what to say. I want to write a tale but there is nothing that I really have to say. I just want ppl to like me for me, I want ppl to except me for the way I em, I want ppl to understand me, I want ppl to see the good side of me other then the bad side. I don't want to be alone, I don't want to be hurt, I don't want to be called names. I love me. I love everything about me. I think I em a good person. I think I em fun and wild. I think that ppl just need to see that side of me.
Unknown "Mrs. Perfekt" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Im done! I can't do this anymore. I don't want to deal with the hassle of ex's but in my case I really don't have a choice. I lose to many ppl cause of that dead beat. I just want him to go away and leave me alone. I want him to stop getting involved in my life and fuck with his own.
Unknown "Mrs. Perfekt" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 1 day ago
This is an amazing feeling to have bein lost for words with describing a feeling that can't be described. I would love to tell eveyone in the world how I felt but wouldn't even know what to say. It is the most intense, deep, hearfelt feelin that has no ending. It is like an orgasm that wont stop. It is hot, steamy, quivering, intense, wet, desirable....feeling just thinking about it.
Unknown "Mrs. Perfekt" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 9 days ago