Alright well first of all Robyn's Back.
Second.. Yesterday I bought a pet, and boy did I ever make a mistake there. A girl who had previously owned this "pet" must have gotten pretty offended. I came on this evening after having a great day. I came on and found a load of threatening messages. Like honestly c'mon its virtual. If someone had bought one of my pets, I wouldn't go sending verbal abusive messages to the new found owner. I would either buy my pet back or try and get more money to buy that pet back. Isn't this the whole point of human pets anyway?
Finally third, it doesn't really bother me other than I feel sorry for this girl for taking something so serious and offensive. I am sorry and let's hope that I don't buy another pet with a owner like this one.
Cheers everyone, have a great day/evening. :)
Unknown Seductive
- 16 years, 10 months, 22 days ago