ok so you know what??? I am going to see a lawyer...find out MY rights...papers need to be signed and I am getting ancy...I have a bad feeling...I don't think i am going to get what I want by the time I want it!!! POOOOOOOOO!!!! sucks but I guess eventually I will...Guess I am feeling poopy cause i am sick and tired,sick and tired of CRAP!!!...sorry I keep writing this but these are tales and this IS my life!!!
Unknown "Wonder Bum" Sexy
- 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
K so having a bad day or 2....woke up yesterday morning in a RIPE mood...wondering WHY oh WHY? Have I not heard a word yet on the signing bullshit??? So then tonight I get on the phone with my Aunt(who is my lawyer) and start asking questions...So guess what!!! this is now going to cost me a shitload of $$$ to get....This was supposed to be easy...Or at least I thought *!@#!!!!!....Now I am down in the dumps,pissed off and VERY angry!!! :((((...but overall my lfie is full of content cause you know what...I think in the end I will receive the greatest gift of all HAPPINESS,SATISFACTION,and PLEASURE knowing that he gets the shit end of the stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown "Wonder Bum" Sexy
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
So been a while since i last wrote but hey you know LIFE gets preoccupied by crap that we ALL have to live with day to day...Today feelin' good...Just wish my ex would sign the FU@*ing papers that will give me all rights to be FREE and HAPPY...Sucks!! but hey live and learn,ain't that the truth!!! To you all...I hope that happiness is the #1 thing in your life..took ME to long to realize it...but I know now it CAN happen...till next time
Unknown "Wonder Bum" Sexy
- 16 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
so just was thinking about what i wrote....I am 29,10 years and starting off fresh....so I think no kids,and moving in IS a BIG DEAL.......for real...I have been through IT all and I can talk my face off......
Unknown "Wonder Bum" Sexy
- 16 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
So....you really want to know....well lets see...7 months ago my whole world turned around...I left my husband after 10 years..OK OK, not 10 married but 10 together and never ONCE BROKE UP!!! Ripley's believe it or not.It is the truth!!!! We had a great relationship,but then it took to long for him(typical) to ask me to marry him and guess what!!!! I married my best friend...SHIIIIIIITTTTT!!!! 2 years it lasted....left him last year...had a whole lot of crap to deal with but I DID IT!!! And let me tell YOU ALL I have never been happier!!NO kids,no house to bargain with...though I do have some issues!!! I lost alot of friends...ones that I thought were good...you find out who they truly are...so now I have built a "new" life,relocated,changed jobs moved on and am HAPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! most importantly...so for all of you SCARED!!! you need to talk.talk to me....believe me I can tell you stories...MWAW to all and to all a good night!!!!
Unknown "Wonder Bum" Sexy
- 16 years, 11 months, 7 days ago