A long, long time ago... okay, maybe 5 or 6 years ago... My friend Justin and I had this bright idea to go outside when it was "the coldest day of the year." That in itself wasn't the worst of it. We only had shorts and a sweatshirt to wear. At first it wasn't so bad, since we were going with the wind and not against it... But we had to go home some time... After we get to our destination. (the park) we decide, we are too freaking cold to stay out here any longer... So, being roughly 45 minutes to and hour away from either of our houses, and night is quickly gaining on us, we start our way home. On our way home, the wind picks up to maybe 25-30 mph. IT WAS LIKE HELL REALLY DID FREEZE OVER!! You know those bus stop benches that are like a little shelter of plexy-glass, (or for you nerds out there, Polycarbonate Plastic). Down the main road we were walking down, there were approximately 6 or 7 of them. To save ourselves from shortening our frostbitten lives, we stopped in each one in hope for a bus on our way home... None came.. But, enough of the depressing part of the story. We finally get home, and warm up for about a half an hour. My dad calls wanting me to go home. Me, being to young to drive at the time, had to walk. You know how it is going out for the first time of the day into the cold... Well, every time afterwards gets worse... So, Justin decided to tag along, only he brought about enough cover for a small Army. And the jerk would NOT let me use anything. So, we got to my house, and he had to wait outside for my fathers permission to come inside. HE WASN'T ALOUD! Serves him right... lol.
Unknown "mickeydick !"
- 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago