"Lost in the middle"
My eyes See all that goes on around
My ears Hear all that is from the herd
My feet Run after them like sheep
My hands Touch them, they are not meek
Like ants they do small things
Like ants they babble to one another
Like ants they scuffle along the ground
Like ants they are everywhere to be found
I am attracted to that which looks so great
I am pining for that which can no longer be had
I am drawn to her that speaks from the depths of her heart
I am tempted, mentally torn apart
Unnoticed I blur into the background
I want to join in, to be part of the crowd
Choosing, to be me, or to be one of them
I must decide if I really like them, or me
Is this the way it is to be?
Is this what is meaningful to me?
Is this what I have and am to become?
I fear I can not do this, it is too much!
JK 2007/09/21
Unknown "court jester" Curious
- 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago