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"Sexy Rexy"
Unknown's tales
I go into surgery on tuesday, gallbladder removal. Keep me in your thoughts!!
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt
- 16 years, 7 months, 20 days ago
When you want a gun to shoot your brains out, there's none around. I have no idea what has me sooo freaking down today. But its quite ridiculous. I'm sorta just staring around, quite lost in my own thoughts. There's too many things going through my brain, but I still feel empty headed. These feelings call for a new tattoo. Fo sho.
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt
- 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
I start school today I am soooo psyched, but soooo nervous. :D I really need new pets, active and playful pets. Any advice? BTW I need thumbs. How do people get like 200+pts on their tales? I'm not that famous! But I want to be!! :D
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt
- 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
HP is getting lame. Or should I just say there are a lot of lame people playing this game? Did you hear that? GAME. Yeah, that's right. JUST a game. Its sad to know to what extent people can go to make such douchebags of themselves. I mean come on, its such immature, kiddie shit when people take what's going on here to the heart. I'm starting to suspect that some people on HP don't have a life of their own, nor friends, nor anything of the sort. Therefore, I am glad for what I have! :D On another note.. I'm on the look out for some REAL and GOOD pets. Let me know if you got what it takes! :D
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
Spydy's Wonders
Full of magic and cute things! Shop your heart out <3
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