Unknown"Tazz(my cuz NFS)"Feisty
- 17 years, 17 days ago
k, so yesterday was a pretty slack day. I slept in, watched some tv, ate some food, walked to the grocery store to buy some fruit, and went to work later. I got home at about 10:30pm, kinda sad because I didn't get to see Phil, but as always, I called him on the phone and we talked for 15 mins or so. it was nice, then we said goodnight and I watched saw4 with mom. when the movie was so close to being over, there was a knock at the door. it freaked mom and I both out :P I volunteered to go check. I called "who is there?" no answer. I asked again, and heard in response: "Its Phil". I was a little weary because Phil doesn't usually leave his house at night, and especially not to come all the way down to the pit of Kamloops where I live :P so I slowly opened the door, and it was my Phil! he gave me this reeeeally nice kiss, and then said goodbye. I was like...."......" it was so sweet :) Unknown"Tazz(my cuz NFS)"Feisty
- 17 years, 28 days ago
I deserve to be treated well. I deserve to be spoken to with respect. I treat people with utmost dignity whenever possible, is it too much to ask that I receive that much in return? Unknown"Tazz(my cuz NFS)"Feisty
- 17 years, 1 month ago
Let's look into the darkened society. Let's be the light in this world of shadows. Unknown"Tazz(my cuz NFS)"Feisty
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
"I saw you laughing just the other day, you were acting like everything was okay. I don't know, but it might ease this pain, if you could just maybe, cry a little, just a little more, just a little, cry a little more, and then you might know the way I feel." -country song~cry a little- Unknown"Tazz(my cuz NFS)"Feisty
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago