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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown, 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:59 AM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
Location: Singapore

About me:
So I guess it's about time I fill up this portion a little.

Erm...I guess I can't say I'm awesomely hot and look great wearing a garbage bag, because I can't photoshop to save my life. I can't say I'm incredibly popular and have like 928957606 friends on myspace/facebook/whatever because I don't, and I really don't care. I can't even say "whooaaa I'm so emo look at all the (fake) blood on my wrists" because if there's anything I believe in, it's that suicide is final. Where I come from, suicide attempts are illegal and if you come back down from the edge when the police are called in, they throw you into a home for troubled people and then you're really screwed.

I'm kinda stuck for ideas of what to write, so I guess I'd go with the random.

The stress and frustration brought about by the sheer amount of stupid in the world, is alleviated when I go to a park and eat apples.

If you can't find me anywhere in my room, you should check underneath my table.

I'm someone who doesn't know how to be cute, detests being called short, is secretly afraid of people, and is known to be cool by everyone who doesn't know her. Strong and silent is just another euphemistic phrase for "socially awkward" in my case. I crush on chessboards which allow you to change their colours, my idea of excitment involves playing the guitar in the dark, I talk to my cacti more than I talk to anyone else in my life, and I hide under my table when I feel like everything is getting too much.

In class, I only ever sit by the window or at the back corners. I actually get urges to drink blood, and sometimes it gets so strong, I have to stay away from sharp objects in case I stab myself in the jugular just to get at it. My idea of a diet is chocolate and alcohol, which actually does work for me, so you can eat your hearts out. =)

That's all!

~ 朝を迎える 孤独を忘れて ~
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Evil Overlords, ・ー† ►•Jrocks•◄†ー・, J-rock/Visual-Kei
120342 pts
100000 pts

"nom nom nom"
200 pts

200 pts

"Dr Patrick"
200 pts
Unknown's tales
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Dir en grey ~ ~ your music is good, but your showmanship is absolutely wonderful. You rock as hard on stage live, as most bands can only do in their carefully edited promotional videos. <3

Unknown "K.Y.O." Gloomy - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
I finished reading a book named "This Is Your Brain on Music". It's regarding music and neuroscience, and the professor actually explained stuff well in English and not steamrolling over the reader with the truck of incomprehensible jargon.

Anyways I learnt something shocking! Apparently in many studies, when world-class experts in various fields of knowledge are questioned on the time they spent practising, the answer tended to come up to 10,000 hours. So the conclusion from all the research was that 10,000 hours is the average amount of time a normal person requires in order to fully assimilate everything that he had learnt.

10,000 hours = 20 hours per week X 10 years.

Oh god. I think I need to increase my practice >.
Unknown "K.Y.O." Gloomy - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
I got my eyebrow piercing at last. To my horror, the guy told me that I can't remove it for the next 4 months. Sighhh.

I really want a lip piercing but I think that I can only get it when I move out of this house.

6 more years.

Unknown "K.Y.O." Gloomy - 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
I was talking to Shin only about a week or two ago. It was still rather quiet, and saying in its usual way that thing were okay. Not too great, but...manageable, in that stoic way it has.

So I didn't think much about it.

Shin works very hard to be perfect in every way, so I didn't realise until I turned the pot all the way around the other day, that the back was entirely eaten away.

It has wet rot, a fungus that sets in and eats away at the cactus rapidly. Shin looked like it was bleeding all over from numerous sores, and the insides were swollen and steeping in a rusty goo.

If I had noticed earlier, I could have done the vivisection in a much neater fashion. I could have rescued more of it, I could have done so much more, and now there's literally only a sliver of hope that Shin will pull through.

I really am the worst fucking owner ever.
Unknown "K.Y.O." Gloomy - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
Oh no, not again, not again! NOOOOOO. *clutches hair*

X Japan have indefinitely postponed their much-awaited world tour. Following the weekend announcement that leader and drummer Yoshiki had canceled a planned Asia trip, it was revealed yesterday that the reason is his worsening medical problems, and doctors have ordered him to take a complete rest. He had a previously diagnosed hernia of a intervertebral disc and tendonitis and for several years has been forced to wear a corset while playing the drums. But when the group performed their first concerts in 10 years in March, he refused to wear the corset and even did a dive onto his drum set (photo) and played what is considered one of rock's most intense drum pieces, "Art of Life," on the opening night. In addition to worsening his existing medical problems, the drum kit dive caused damage to both knees.

But after the March shows, X Japan announced concerts in Paris on July 5, Taipei on August 2 and New York on September 13, and they were back on stage in early May for memorial concerts to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of guitarist Hide. Sources say that Yoshiki is currently at his home in Los Angeles undergoing both western and Asian medical treatment. He is wearing neck brace and is prohibited from any strenuous travel. X Japan has taken hiatuses in the past due to Yoshiki's physical over-exertion, for six months back in 1990 and again for nine months in 1996. But the extent of the problems are thought to be more serious this time.

- 'X Japan World Tour Postponed' Japan Zone

You're insanely dedicated to X. I understand. You don't compromise on your drumming even if it kills you. I understand. But what was the point of throwing yourself into your drum set, resulting in more injuries? Are you not going to be happy until you're partially held together by equipment from top to bottom?!

I changed my mind. Please don't die too, Yo-chan.
Unknown "K.Y.O." Gloomy - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
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sorry for the late reply >.< yeah im doin fine here too, having my summer beak at the moment, but its been few months now, my uni is starting soon too ^^
Unknown "Edoarudo" Peaceful - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
thanks owner! haven chat with u for a long time, how r u recently? ^^
Unknown "Edoarudo" Peaceful - 16 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
Sean Casey
Yea he does like to kill people.
Sean Casey - 16 years, 4 months ago
Sean Casey
Hello. I thumbed your tales. I read your "about me". Interesting to say the least.
Sean Casey - 16 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
Owner! I finished my exams! wahaha.. but dam bored now.. ntg much to do.. waiting to go back home at the end of the month >.<
Unknown "Edoarudo" Peaceful - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
oh really? its my exam time too! i've finished 2 papers and left to more to go.. so sked and yet excited coz going back home soon ^^
Unknown "Edoarudo" Peaceful - 16 years, 4 months, 24 days ago
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Unknown's shop

Welcome to my shop ::SHOP:: Feel free to browse around and grab some random goodies. =D

a hug from Yoshiki
1 use

500 pts
a hug from Yoshiki
Bought by 2 people
some of hide's love (X Japan)
1 use

500 pts
some of hide's love (X Japan)
Bought by 9 people
L who has just found Kira
1 use

200 pts
L who has just found Kira
Bought by 4 people
a piano performance by the sea
1 use

500 pts
a piano performance by the sea
Bought by 10 people

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