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"Little Springbok"

Unknown, 60/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:35 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 9 days ago
Location: San Diego, CA United States

"Always a Springbok at Heart"
About me:
Originally from South Africa, now living in the USA.
About you:
Doing this for fun, to meet people and build friendships all over the world.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: South African Pets, AA Stop Auction Liars, The Big Five

"Querido ~ NFS"
22222 pts
"MetalMonkey NFS"
222 pts

"My Soft Toit NFS"
60 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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I find that you’re on my mind
more often than any other thought,
Sometimes I bring you there
purposely ... to console me
or to warm me
or just to make my day
a little brighter.

But, so often
You surprise me ...
and find your own way
into my thoughts.
There are times
when I awaken and realize
what a tender part of my dreams
you have been ...

And on, into the day,
whenever a peaceful moment
seems to come my way
and my imagination is free to run,
it takes me running into your arms,
and allows me to linger there ...
knowing, there’s nothing I’d rather do.

I know that my thoughts are only
reflecting the loving hopes of my heart,
because, whenever they wander
they always
take me
to you ...

© Tania Jordaan
Unknown "Little Springbok" Loving - 16 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
I sit here alone feeling so empty
and lonely.
I think of you often -
every minute of the day,
wondering how you are,
what you are doing,
wishing I could hold you.
I sit remembering all we’ve shared,
dreaming of all that will be,
and crying a tear for every minute
we are apart.
At times I tell myself I am strong
and the time apart will go quickly,
yet at other times, I sit and cry
and wonder why love
must hurt this way.
Though somewhere
in the loneliness ...
somewhere in the emptiness,
I find myself feeling very loved,
and I realize that
it’s not the loving that hurts so much ...
it’s being without you!

© Tania Jordaan

Unknown "Little Springbok" Loving - 16 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
The Tramp

In a deserted House with a topless roof
Lay a tramp under “The Daily News”,
His hands are worn
His feet are cold
His eyes bloodshot from the rum.


How can this really, really be?
Is it really, really so?
How can this really, really be?
I wish I’d really, really known …

From a cupboard bare, with a look of despair
He empties the last drop of rum.
The visions go and the memories come
Her lies made him a worthless bum.


How can this really, really be?
Is it really, really so?
How can this really, really be?
I wish I’d really, really known …

In a deserted house with a topless roof,
Died a tramp under “The Daily News”.
His heart was torn
His life was done
His soul ready to move on.


How can this really, really be?
Is it really, really so?
How can this really, really be?
I wish I’d really, really known …

Tania Jordaan July, 1985
Unknown "Little Springbok" Loving - 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago
Perfect Moon

Oh, Perfect Moon that rides on high,
go find my love and tell him why
the tears I cry are not in vain –
the tears I cry will ease my pain.

Oh, Perfect Moon that shines so bright,
Take this heart within your flight
and give it to the man I love –
be swift, be gentle as a dove.

Oh, Perfect Moon, tell him to take
this beating heart and never break
the fragile cord that holds us dear,
whether far or ever near …

Oh, Perfect Moon, now hear my sigh
as dawn awakes and day draws nigh.
Your radiance will slowly fade,
Unlike the love that we have made.

Oh, Perfect Moon, as you resign,
Keep our hearts in perfect line.
Let us love and set us free
Let us love eternally …

© Tania Jordaan November 26th, 2004
Unknown "Little Springbok" Loving - 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago
What has changed?

You have always been my reason for waking at dawn,
My last thought as I lay my head down to sleep at night.
You were in every breath I took, every second of the day
My purpose in life to carry on …

Love, so deep, so pure; changes to conflict,
While words hammer down like stab wounds,
Love gives way to heartache,
Heartache becomes bitterness,
Bitterness becomes resentment ---
A vicious circle.

Your face – a dark pool of holding back,
Your eyes cold - without emotion,
Your mouth wordless - at times condescending.
Your hands, kept only to yourself.
Your body … so far away …

Looking for answers
I cling, pathetically to the life that used to make sense,
Now senseless …
Withdrawal seems like the only option
But old habits die hard.

Where does your Train of Thought take you?
Who are you visiting in your mind?

Do you ever knock on my heart’s door anymore?

Maybe I keep you outside …
Maybe I don’t want to open the door anymore …

© Tania Jordaan August, 2007

Unknown "Little Springbok" Loving - 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago
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Hi Tania, how are you keeping? well i hope xx
Chriis "xxx" Becca's Happy Nut - 16 years, 11 days ago
pragtige gedigte...!!!
Unknown - 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago

You have been given Hello.
Crafted by Houssam Chehadi
_B_e_c_c_a_ "Pocket Protector" Sad - 16 years, 4 months ago
Hi Tania, I hope you are keeping well xx
Chriis "xxx" Becca's Happy Nut - 16 years, 4 months, 2 days ago
Hi Tania, hoop dit gaan god xxx
You have been given a carefree moment.
Crafted by P u i
Unknown "Ollie" Purring - 16 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
Kris D La Belle
hope things are good. xx
You have been given Happy early Halloween.
Crafted by Unknown
Kris D La Belle "Bella" will be back soon... - 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
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