That what I was live was if I was 13 years old ...One day it was rain out side and Was looking out from window.The postman was bringing a post to our naibour...but just put it on the floor and was gone...Me stuped was thinking it can be wet from the rain and want to puch it under the door ...was gone out and was going whit a smily face in from the garden door...that was it a big dog running to me whit barking... me was in shock and just remaber I was hanging on the door and the foots from the dog was on my shoulder,and his head just 5 cm far from my head..Oh my god I was thinking that is the last day that I live any more on the planet...all my life was runing like a movie before my eys...just remaber againe the owner from this sweet :) dog was comming out and take him far from me...İf I was gone home mama ask me why is your trousers so wet !!! I just say it was to much rain :)) since this day I dont help any more to the postman....
Unknown "top guys"
- 17 years, 2 months, 9 days ago