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Jennifer Eldridge | - Free online hangout and friends
Donna owns this human at 5513 points.

Jennifer Eldridge
Jennifer Eldridge

Jennifer Eldridge
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Jennifer Eldridge
WooHoo!! Store is open and back in business!!!
Jennifer Eldridge "PrettyLady:P" Tired - 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Jennifer Eldridge
No lesson this time.. I added some photos and some of my art work. Check it out tell me what you think. Love ya guys!
Jennifer Eldridge "PrettyLady:P" Tired - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Jennifer Eldridge
Japanese 101 - Lesson 5

YAOYA (yah-oh-yah) A small store or stand that only sells produce. A good place to find fresh food, but beware of owner's trying to "stretch" their wares.

YASAI (yah-sigh) Vegetables. The mortal enemy of many, but a necessary evil.

KUDAMONO (coo-dah-moe-no) Fruit.

TORINIKKU (toh-ree-knee-coo) Chicken. Literally "bird meat".

TAMAGO (ta-mah-goh) Egg.

MAME (mah-may) Beans. The "magical" fruit.

JAGAIMO (jah-ga-ee-mo) Potato. Slice it, dice it, boil it, mash it, grind it into flour. Still a potato.

GOHAN (goh-hahn) Rice, food, meal. Literally "cooked rice", but rice is such a staple that it just means "food" anyway. It's like saying "soup's on!" even when you're not cooking soup.

KOME (koh-may) Rice. But isn't "gohan" also the word for rice? Yews. The Japanese have many words for rice.

SUUPAA (sooo-paah) Supermarket. Otherwise known as a grocery store :D

Jennifer Eldridge "PrettyLady:P" Tired - 16 years, 11 months, 22 days ago
Jennifer Eldridge
Japanese 101
Lesson 3 Part 2

OJI (oh-gee) Uncle. The one that never pays his half of the bill.

OBA (oh-bah) Aunt. Pinches cheeks, brings meatloaf.

OJIISAN (oh-geee-san) Grandfather. Also works if you just want to call someone an old fogey.

OBAASAN (oh-baah-san) Grandmother. Say this to your mother or your sister if you want to get punched.

Jennifer Eldridge "PrettyLady:P" Tired - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Jennifer Eldridge
Japanese 101
Lesson 3 'Family'

ANI (ah-nee) Brother. The guy who holds you down for an Indian burn.

ANE (ah-nay) Sister. The girl who tells mom when you set the garage on fire.

OKAASAN (oh-kaah-sahn) Mother. Not to be used when throwing around insults.

OTOOSAN (oh-toh-san) Father. Specifically, the really nice way of saying father. Use this one when you're in trouble.

OTOUTO (oh-tooh-toh) Younger brother. The one you blame everything on.

IMOUTO (ee-moh-toh) Younger sister. The one who blames everything on you.
Jennifer Eldridge "PrettyLady:P" Tired - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago

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Ahmed Fathey

I miss u....... You have been given I miss u........
Crafted by Rahul _ R D
Ahmed Fathey "Ahmed" Tired - 15 years, 8 months, 24 days ago
Ahmed Fathey
always missing your comments :)
how are you Jennifer ?
A Kiss You have been given A Kiss.
Crafted by Jeff
Ahmed Fathey "Ahmed" Tired - 15 years, 8 months, 24 days ago

My Friend You have been given My Friend.
Crafted by Nikki Mathews
Donna "ღ My Goddess " hilariously happy - 15 years, 9 months, 5 days ago

FOR U ✿ܓ You have been given FOR U ✿ܓ .
Crafted by Denise Rose
Donna "ღ My Goddess " hilariously happy - 15 years, 9 months, 29 days ago
I think it survives in my home cause I have had these little beggars around all my life, hehe
FAIRY DUST You have been given FAIRY DUST.
Crafted by Marcela
Donna "ღ My Goddess " hilariously happy - 15 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
My boy gave me this plant for my birthday in the winter time and it is flowering yet again. they are so beautiful, so I thought what a better flower to send to such a sweet lady.
Beautiful Orchids You have been given Beautiful Orchids.
Crafted by Mia
Donna "ღ My Goddess " hilariously happy - 15 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
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Lunajen's Shop

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