" The hierarchy of a company, it is as a tree full of monkeys, all on different branches at different levels. Some of the monkeys rise, the others come down. The monkeys of at the top look at the monkeys from below and see a tree with a lot of smiling faces. The monkeys from below look at the top and see nothing else than holes of the bottom. " UnknownFestive
- 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
the big are big only because us, us are in knees. Then, that wait we? Standing! UnknownFestive
- 17 years, 2 months ago
coucou, Welcome back Niny !!! Le gang Barrow est à nouveau reconstitué... lol Je vais bien. j'espere que tu vas bien toi aussi... j'ai aussi un milliard de trucs à te raconter... J'attends ton mail ;) Gros bisous mon p'tite Bonnie!