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Unknown's tales
Today is a very special day. Today is Hippy Day.

Today I am celebrating meeting a wonderful group of friends a year ago. I had known them for longer than that online as we were all pregnant at the same time with babies due in November 2006 and we had supported each other through that experience, the births of our children and the fallout of that but hadn't met in real life until 2007.

I consider my life to be very blessed. I have a man that I love, a wonderful baby boy, great family but it is my friends that I consider my greatest blessing. I've encountered really amazing people at all stages of my life that have helped me along my way; some of them are still with me and others have drifted away but I love them all.

But someone or something was looking after me when I moved to Yorkshire at 7 months pregnant. The friends I met just over a year ago have come to mean so much to me, they are the people I turn to when I need to rant, the people I want to tell about my day and the people who I value for their honest advice no matter what I ask them.

So Happy Hippy Day everyone! May you all be blessed with such friends.
Unknown "Sweetie" Adored - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
On December 21st we celebrated Yule, a feast that acknowledges the darkest day of winter and the promise of the return of the light. On February 2nd we will celebrate Imbolg, the return of light and the true beginning of spring. In years past I saw this time of year as winter, and looked forward to spring beginning in March sometime, but with pagan eyes I can see the changes in the earth already as it begins to warm; we have bulbs sprouting in the front garden in spite of the forecasts for snow next week.

We have given a lot of attention this weekend to planning our planting for the vegetable beds this year, making sure we have the seeds we need and going out to look at greenhouses to grow them in. It makes me feel hopeful, the first stirrings of new life are present and soon the days will be lighter and warmer again.
Unknown "Sweetie" Adored - 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago

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Unknown "The Sinjinator" Curious - 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
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Unknown "The Sinjinator" Curious - 17 years, 9 days ago

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Unknown "The Sinjinator" Curious - 17 years, 12 days ago

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Unknown "The Sinjinator" Curious - 17 years, 21 days ago

You have been given 13 Black Roses.
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Unknown "The Sinjinator" Curious - 17 years, 23 days ago
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You have been given Faerie Nectar Mead.
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Unknown "The Sinjinator" Curious - 17 years, 24 days ago
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