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Ruth W | - Free online hangout and friends
Denis L
Denis L owns this human at 200000 points.

Ruth W
Ruth W

Ruth W, 50/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:12 PM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 22 days ago
Location: Canberra Australia

"Time for Fun, silliness and Enjoying Life. :-)"
About me:
"Hi there"
"I like meeting people, having fun and being real. I think life is there to be enjoyed and the only thing that limits a person is their mindset."Life is too short so enjoy it and add a spark to those around. Always up for an adventure and meeting new minds..
"Think playful pup so Dropping by? Say hi!
Facebook Dolls

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About you:
"~First please don't buy me unless you check first with my owner that he wants to sell.. Currently I am content in my current home ~
"Secondly.. I am open to every walk of life and love meeting interesting characters as they are the spice so if that sound like you drop me a line :-)
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Ruth Helping fund
Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, White Wolves Petters Paradise!!, Human Pets Anonymous, nelly the elephant, Yaguarete's lair, loverly spam, wonderful spam, ***SpamtasticaL***, Calvin's Mad Spam XD, ~♥♥THUMBS R FREE♥♥~, Spamalot, Calvin's help fund...(dailies), **Denis**, Alter Ego, Gods & Goddesses, porn star fetish, Sam's Spam n Chips!, Power of Thumbs, THUMBS for MAGDALEN, ~Lisa's Spam Herd~, nippery thumbs, Saving Ass Fund, =] THUMBS [=, Stray Pets Sanctuary, Wills Help fund, Old Man Sharkies Herd, sam spam, Blade Warriors, Celtic Goddess, My Thumb Party, Thumbs are the Best!, The Thumbing Den, PLAN B, It's about Me, Thirsty Vampire for blood points, Sp@®kz• CåsH 5/10, Vixens, the jaguars, ~mAd raVinGs~, :O, * Spamtasticals 2 *
"Cysta Kitty"
65125 pts
"Woo Woo Girl"
50000 pts
Ruth's tales
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Ruth W
HI Everyone...

Although I love being in here, my computer time has been vastly cut that I'm not even getting much time on Face book.. "heavens forbid"..

To my friends - I love chatting to you all so send me a message to my facebook and I will send you my work email address as its the best way to contact me. I don't know when I will next get in here :(

Much love
Ruth W "Pinkypunk" Tender - 16 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
Ruth W
Hay everyone.. Im BACK!!!... Still abit patchy because I am catching up on work etc and have alot of email to respond to.. but see you guys around :-)
Ruth W "Pinkypunk" Tender - 16 years, 8 months, 9 days ago
Ruth W
Below are a list of People who are New to HP and are just getting started. If you would like to help them or if you are new and am looking for people to thumb your herd clock on the below links to go to their new Herds..

Kelvin Bascones

Zacc Choyce

Shawn Dale McNair

Adam Morrell

Ruth W
Ruth W "Pinkypunk" Tender - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Ruth W
**Attention My Friends**

On the 15th May I will be heading to Sth America for 6 weeks.. WOO HOOO!!

So my time in HP will probably be Nil but I will be checking Facebook when I can to upload photos and answer emails.. If any of my HP friends ARE NOT facebook friends with me but want to keep in contact SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST so we can keep chatting while I'm away

Ruth W "Pinkypunk" Tender - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
Ruth W
Hello my little vistors..

Please don't spam on my profile page. this is for people to leave comments. If you need help with thumbs pls leave one (1) comment directing me where to go to help you.

I am happy for my friends etc leaving multi messages but if its spam it may be delete.
Ruth W "Pinkypunk" Tender - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
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LadY HeatheN

:-) You have been given :-).
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 3 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
hello lovely.........happy newyear xxx
High Five You have been given High Five.
Crafted by Dr Isley
Becenstein "Madame B" Lazy - 15 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Cammy Dee
hello you you still active here?
Hello Hottie You have been given Hello Hottie.
Crafted by Sweet Leilani
Cammy Dee "My M" 3m 3tiB - 15 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
Vestan Pance

Every body dance now! You have been given Every body dance now!.
Crafted by Sister Of Night
Vestan Pance "The Mad Hatter " Curious - 15 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
hehe of course it is.... How are u?
You are adored by me... You have been given You are adored by me....
Crafted by Jen
Jen "Sweetheart" Carefree - 15 years, 4 months, 6 days ago

Damn...! You have been given Damn...!.
Crafted by Michael
Andrew Naughty - 15 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
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Ruth's shop
Sweet Silly Fun

"A place to be young and silly " and crazy and fun... YAY fun.. :-)

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Official Seal of Awesomeness
1 use

200 pts
Official Seal of Awesomeness
Bought by 37 people
Friends Forever
1 use

125 pts
Friends Forever
Bought by 28 people
Hi Friend :-)
1 use

120 pts
Hi Friend :-)
Bought by 35 people
OMG Ur Gorgeous
1 use

150 pts
OMG Ur Gorgeous
Bought by 50 people
Miss U when Ur not here
1 use

115 pts
Miss U when Ur not here
Bought by 54 people
Love your petting..
1 use

125 pts
Love your petting..
Bought by 41 people
Kisses 4 U
1 use

120 pts
Kisses 4 U
Bought by 27 people
Im such a Happy Pet
1 use

140 pts
Im such a Happy Pet
Bought by 46 people
Ur a great Pet
1 use

150 pts
Ur a great Pet
Bought by 71 people
Taken 4 a Drive
1 use

125 pts
Taken 4 a Drive
Bought by 27 people
A trip 2 whereever U desire
1 use

150 pts
A trip 2 whereever U desire
Bought by 68 people
I'm Gonna Git Ya.. :-)
1 use

120 pts
I'm Gonna Git Ya.. :-)
Bought by 29 people
A Special Cookie.
1 use

125 pts
A Special Cookie.
Bought by 44 people
A Mystic Reading
1 use

140 pts
A Mystic Reading
Bought by 25 people
I will Protect U, Hunny :-)
1 use

150 pts
I will Protect U, Hunny :-)
Bought by 29 people
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