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Unknown's tales
I asked for it, and I got it! "More fireworks!" I said, well they gave me a good BURN right in my left palm! How it hurts to type anything! How will I masturbate?! Hahaha that was a joke ok............maybe lol.
Unknown "JC" Serene
- 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
Happy Chinese New Year, All! Fireworks! Yes! Moremoremoremore! Some think i blew my left middle finger off with fireworks cause i got a bandage on it... NO! I just cut myself while chopping veggies. Lucky only the veggies were chopped and i was just cut! Phew! Lotsa blood though, I was annoyed and telling my finger off whilst sitting on a stool in my kitchen..."F! Stop f-ing bleeding already!" lol
Unknown "JC" Serene
- 16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Once upon a time there was this gigantic sponge. It had the ability to suck up any substance it felt like at the time. It seemed like a nice and friendly sponge, as it had this red and white happy face painted on it. Little did people know, this sponge had a fond taste for things that cost good money, especially when the tab was picked up by someone else. All the sponge did all day was find a bountiful place to plant itself, then proceed to suck up everything in sight. Nothing was safe. Nothing was sacred. Although the sponge had perfect resources of its own, it would horde these resources. It would then do its routine act of planting itself and start sucking and absorbing things up. People soon grew tired of this sponge. They were not only tired, they were sick and tired. Disgusted even. One day the people banded together and discussed how they could stop this sponge. They decided they were going to kill it. So the next day they laid everything out as normal. At its usual time, the sponge came around. The sponge didnt notice anything odd, missing the fact that the people were only offering it things to have today rather than sharing their things with it as usual. It didnt mind one bit. The more for me, it thought. Why use up mine when I can have theirs, it thought. And it went on happily sucking and absorbing everything up. It didnt know that the people were actually executing their plan to kill it. It didnt know that everything on offer today was poisoned! Hahahaha! The sponge started to hear after it had fallen over paralyzed and beginning to foam at the mouth. Suck up that, you SPONGE! A round of laughter rose the rafters and the sponge could only lay there on its back staring up at the people pointing down and laughing at it. Die, you bitch!!!!! Those were the last words the sponge heard before everything went dark and it died its horrible death. The end. Now children, how do you think that sponge felt?? Boo hoo hoo. The lesson of the story? Dont be a sponge.
Unknown "JC" Serene
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Chinese spring festival celebration is coming! Today I went to a fireworks stand to blow some cash on some blow uppy things. FUN!
Unknown "JC" Serene
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
The Poi Bowl
All kinds of stuff...
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