Never Date a Cancer
Clingy, emotional, and very private - it's hard to escape a Cancer's clutches.
And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they're anything but open in return.
Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius
Unknown "Jio Jio" Inspired
- 16 years, 20 days ago
Your True Love's Name Is Bryan W.
Now you just have to find this person!
Unknown "Jio Jio" Inspired
- 16 years, 20 days ago
You Are 36% Shy
You are slightly shy, but overall, your reactions to social situations are normal.
You dread difficult social situations, but you still handle them with grace.
In fact, no one but your closest friends has any idea that you're actually shy.
You do your best to break out of your shell. You are confident and friendly.
Unknown "Jio Jio" Inspired
- 16 years, 20 days ago
You Are Pretty Happy
You generally have a happy, fulfilling life.
But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it.
Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career.
Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is!
Unknown "Jio Jio" Inspired
- 16 years, 20 days ago