Im thinking of leaving Hp... Im tired of the game... If anyone really wants to chat or be my friend add me on facebook I don't want any creapys, Noone looking for sexual talk eather im not into that Im not that type of girl.. Ok...
Unknown "MY M I L F !" Panicky
- 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
So today my mom tells me I should change my image that I dress cheep.. WTF... I do not... She said I'll never meet a nice guy if I don't change and I told her Im not changing for anyone if they don't like me for who I am or how I dress then don't talk to me or waist my time Im tired of triing to impress everyone else but myself so screw you.. Besides I think she doesn't agree with my bff... That is also more important to me then that too.. I don't care its my life Im 31 wtf...
Unknown "MY M I L F !" Panicky
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
I miss the days where I could just go anywhere where I didn't have to answer to nobody.. Oh wait a minute I've never had days like those I've always had to answer to someone at sometime.. Grrr get me out of this jail I am living in...
Unknown "MY M I L F !" Panicky
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
It's been a long time since I've enjoyed the piece and quiet of the out doors.. I took alex to a park today that has pathways that go to a forest we didn't go that far but just the sound of the birds chirping you couldn't here a soal and maybe the odd car.. Now I really want to move into the country... I could have stayed out there all day with him just me and my baby... It was fun but you do have to eat and go to the washroom...
Unknown "MY M I L F !" Panicky
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Sometimes life throws you a curve.. Maybe that's why I have lots... Im happy but Im not.. Im tired of everyone voicing there oppinions on me silently... You have something to say say it.. I've been hurt many times in the worst way so just go ahead a say it.. I would hope that people can be happy for eachother no matter what but I guess I byest.. Blind and stupid... I'm so full of frustraition and anger.. And tired of keeping my mouth shut about every little thing.. F****
Unknown "MY M I L F !" Panicky
- 16 years, 9 months ago