Dear friends - I'm sorry I've not been around for a long time, I've spent the last few months going through a very low phase and my fb use is now pretty much owned/paradigm/word twist to keep my brain working. I appreciate all your kind thoughts and if anyone wants to catch up with me, then please add me as a friend on facebook. Love to you all, Sharon x PS If anyone knows how to donate points to other people, then I will be pleased to share mine out - this particularly applies to Mark, Erika, Annette and Ciara...
Unknown "~SandyToes~" Scared
- 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
Dear friends, sorry I've neglected you all over the last couple of weeks.... I've been feeling rather low so I've stayed away from here.. Hopefully soon I will be back to feeling my old self and will be back to catch up with you all. 'til then, love and hugs to you all xx
Unknown "~SandyToes~" Scared
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
VIPER Well, yesterday was yet another mad day at work... I did however manage to get a good amount of work done which pleased me and then I went with some friends from the Witness Service to a VIPER demo at a police station nearby. VIPER is the video identification parade system used for vulnerable witnesses - let me tell you, it is very impressive what they can do with it... So they explained about VIPER and then showed us the suite where they film the clip and gave us a demo of this... Yours truly passed on the chance to be the demo suspect, preferring just to observe... Once we had seen this, they showed us how they make the compilation tape of standins and then they took us to the viewing suite. I have never seen so many special effects on video images in my life... you name it, they could do it. Still, slow motion, black/white, mask hair, mask body, mosaic over certain distinctive marks - very technical and very impressive. I have renewed respect for the officers who coordinate this. So, all in all, a more interesting than normal Wednesday... but no, I still didnt win the lottery...
Unknown "~SandyToes~" Scared
- 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
Well, Tuesday... another manic day at work and a short day as I leave at 3:30 for uni. I dutifully leave and run up to the train station in the rain, only to discover that my train to Glasgow has been cancelled. Scotrail order us taxis, whereupon i end up squashed in the middle of a taxi with a strange woman either side of me... Upon reaching Glasgow (getting into rush hour i may add), the junction we need is closed and guess what?? Yes, the taxi driver doesnt drive in Glasgow and so doesnt know where he is going... We take a strange detour and eventually arrive at the station... By this time I am wet, weary and becoming rather edgy... GRRR. It does not bode well for the evening... The moral of the story you ask?? Dont rely on a company who provide a driver who doesnt know where hes driving to...
Unknown "~SandyToes~" Scared
- 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
Well... today was the dreaded first day back after a few days of R & R... so after ploughing my way though my desk (which looked like a bomb had hit it) I managed to restore some order.. The result: a weeks worth of work. Eventually having sorted out bookings, returned citations, misc and things being sent back (yes I am evil and I take great pleasure in returning things) I decided that sugar was required... So I went to see my friend for a chocolate break and returned with some beautiful flowers, viennese truffles and lovely aromatherapy gifts - the smile hasn't left my face yet... (much to the shock of everyone at work - Sharon is smiling, is she ill???) Eventually, having done 2 and a half days work I decided that it was time to go home... and so I survived another day in the pit of perils. Hell on earth. Only another 12 hours before its time to do it all over again....
Unknown "~SandyToes~" Scared
- 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago