Hmmm...does anyone want to see some pictures of this Mardi Gras weekend? Let me know!!
Unknown "Joey" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Also, in the movie "Emma" at the first dinner party at her house, there is a full stack of artichokes. A wonderful food, that i enjoy cooking. It's quite tasty with a proper dip or as a mix in a dip too. Mmm, yummy. xD
Unknown "Joey" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
2 of my favorite movies are..goin to make me look gay. "Emma" and "Pride and Prejudice". I know they are chick flicks, BUT "P&P" is also a classic novel and in all honesty. Both are charming, witty, and i love the "true love" aspect along with the victorian time and chatter. All polite and careful in the words they used. ^-^ i dont know. i just find them charming. The 2 main women in both movies were very lovely. ~_^
Unknown "Joey" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Guh! I'm clueless as to what to auction. I need idea's that i can do. I'm not a hot female with a body who can attract the horn dogs accross the world, so what do i offer??? Reply plz. ^-^
Unknown "Joey" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
My shame for all to know. Ok this is kind of sad and pathetic...but i inadvertanly rejected 10+ girls. Only b/c of one night of no game and shy streak. Went to a bar and a club with my best friend and his wife. Yes girls gave me signs and hints and i completely saw them and totaly got shy.....they felt rejected and kind of put up the /ignore button after that. Make a long story short...girls set up the conversation for me to ask them out, or even a phone # and i didnt....also had like 4 girls pretty much dance in front of me like...right in front of me...why i didnt dance, i'll never know. Funny things did happen that night. One girl traded spots with her friend to dance close to me and get in front of me...and a guy started danceing with her..she got into it till her friend stopped her like 10 seconds later b/c she didn't know it wasnt me. >.> Yes. I felt horrible after that but couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. So if any of the women hapen to see me and this page. I'm sorry for that night and all the misunderstandings of me being shy that night. On the other hand. It was kind of entertaining to see how far some women would go to give a hint..but not to push through the door and just talk to me up front or give me a # w/o asking for it. Women can confuse me and i get shy sometimes, so sorry. Love ya though!
Unknown "Joey" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago