AH!! an new tale..^_^...ok away from the family and more about me..i gues..>.> though i dont really know who wants to know about me..weither or not im even interesting to know about..which other's probably dont care..*hint* *hint* i care to much of what people think about....WELL THAT IS ALL GOING TO CHANGE!! XD want to know what who i use to be? I use to be that girl that wanted to make everyone happy, but that just brought mistery to myself. It is true fact, a person sould not care so much to what other thinks, but reguard other feelings. I could not find a middle ground for myself, but i think i finally did.. YAY ME!! rofl XD You can say I'm looking forward to a happier future, but I will never forget my past. I still hope one day I would not let my past bring me down either. To move on is the best right? ^.^
Unknown "Elynn. [:" Uncertain
- 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
Hey, Cha my name is Elynn. =P well most people call me that at least. Well I was born in China XD on June 1, 1991, and moved to California when i was 2. I just reasontly found out why my family moved to America and it was a really long story. Appernetly my grandpa and grandma was in vietnam and that is where two of my aunts where born, but during that time it was the Vietnam war. My aunt married my uncle, but he had to go to war, and my grandparents ran to china. Long story short, My uncle and aunt became refugees in america, then citizens and brought my dad and his family over. He met my mom in china and brought us over. Yeah, thats my family's history....i think
Unknown "Elynn. [:" Uncertain
- 17 years, 15 days ago