You know you're from the Burgh....
-"N at' " is eloquently added to the end of every sentence.
-You have a taste bud for Smiley Cookies.
-Words like: hoagie; chipped ham; pop; and gumband actually mean something to you.
-You will defend with your life that it's called pop and not soda.
-You often go down to the "crick".
-You bleed black and gold...
-You wake up to KDKA.
-Chipped ham was always in your refrigerator when you were growing up.
-You know what is meant by "The Point".
-You know the time and location of every Wing Night in a 10 mile radius.
-You've taken deliberate field trips to the Andy Warhol museum and the Carnegie Science Center .
-You're more worried about Big Ben's health than your own.
-You own more than one original Terrible Towel.
-You only own four spices: salt, pepper, Heinz ketchup, and the bottle of Trappey's Red Devil you swiped from Primanti's.
-You've ridden the two oldest surviving inclines in the world.
-For the life of you, you can't understand why your all your out-of-town friends don't get the "fries and cole slaw" thing...
-You walk carefully when it is "slippy" outside.
-You've ever gotten hurt by falling into a "jaggerbush".
-You know that Ahia is a river, a boulevard, and a state.
-You know what a steel mill is.
-You remember the old Clark Bar up while you drive to Three Rivers Stadium to watch the Pirates play...
-You know which of the three rivers is the dirtiest! hmmm...i wonder?!
-You'll still scream for Tony Womack and Jason Kendall even though they left for better teams.
-You know the "Strip District" isn't really at all what the name intends...
-You know the number of doors inside the Liberty Tunnels like the back of your hand...and yet you still count them...
-You can spell Roethlisberger correctly, even while highly intoxicated.
-You know what someone's trying to say when they mention that "Kennywood's open" (yes, that was definitely worthy to be up here!)
-yes, You will go downtown in the middle of winter when it's freezing cold just to see the windows.
-Your favorite store used to be Kaufmann's.
-You know what Ground Round is...and not a meat that you buy at a good ole shop 'n save...
-You can't get anywhere without going over a bridge.
-the only candy you find in your easter basket is from Sarris...and you will never enjoy another chocolate covered pretzel unless it's from there.
-You're in love with the Clarks (sorry it took me so long for that one guys!)
-You get your money from a mac machine.
-when, if you've moved south for school, you wear shorts and t-shirts in 60 degree weather while everyone around you is wearing jackets.
-You don't call it anything but the parkway...what's a highway?
-You can pronounce the word Duquesne.
-The name "Neil O'Donnell" sends you into a expletive-filled tirade.
-You go to a Buccos game hoping for the best, expecting the worse and a 100 bucks for beer.... And usually the most exciting parts is the "mystery box" "t-shirt toss"
and of course "the pierogie race........"
-It doesn't seem odd to cover your front porch in astro-turf.
-You can give someone directions from one side of the city to the other without ever mentioning a street name and using only landmarks.
-You don't understand why people say "to be" before verbs. "My car needs washed" or "my hair needs cut" works just fine.
-You've experienced first hand why Squirrel Hill is named as such.
-The term 'the point' not only means something to you, but you've probably swam in it too.
-Saving parking spots with chairs is commonplace.
-"Jumbo" bologna and mustard roll-ups were your favorite after school snack.
-Iron City beer is the only thing you'll drink during the Stiller games.
-You know all the words to "Here we go, Steelers, Here we go"
-You say "You guys" even if you're referring to a group of all girls.
-You know who the legend of An
Unknown "jenn" Lazy
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago