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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Darkness Pets, Vampiric Minions, Blood 'n' Darkness, ~ AfTeR DaRk ~, Rooster Pirates, LEGION, BloodGoreDamnation
Unknown's tales
Some questions to ponder people:

I wonder if you can ever truly get to know yourself truly?
Can you really make yourself happy?
Why do people always want what they don't have?
Why do people not want what they always have?
Is it better to live without taking risks and avoid the certain disappointment that's bound to ensue?
Or, should we throw caution to the wind, waste time, invest energy in those who are ultimately unworthy, embroil ourselves in emotional turmoil and hope that disappointment holds off 'til we have had a bit of fun?

Unknown "Caduceus" Thirsty - 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
This is my second tattoo design. It's better than the first one.
Unknown "Caduceus" Thirsty - 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
"Gang Bang Mommy, who's my daddy?"
Unknown "Caduceus" Thirsty - 16 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo - I made one design. I think it's important that I draw it myself as it's going to be on me for life. What do you think?
Unknown "Caduceus" Thirsty - 16 years, 10 months, 17 days ago
I gave blood today - to a legitimate organisation - not an entity that will use it for it's own gain/pleasure.
Unknown "Caduceus" Thirsty - 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago

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Mötorhead is so good! Well the early albums atleast.
You have been given Listen to Lemmy....
Crafted by Diamond
Unknown Festive - 16 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
Good to get bought back I have not read the Rum diary, you have to tell me if it's any good. I'm fine, had an early birthdayparty and drank too much. Fun though. Moving from the city in a week, to a small place outside of Stockholm. A bit sad to go but it will be fun.
How are you? Seen any good bands?

I read Heart shaped box by Joe Hill, it was good, a nice spooky story.
You have been given a Stockholm Syndrome.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Festive - 16 years, 6 months, 17 days ago
Hey pretty lady :) Same here on the internet front, having job depression issues so the last thing I want to do is go on a computer at home lol

How have things been with you? I have no stories besides my hair extension/skank battle. The war has not yet been decided....
Unknown " Miss Fluffykins" Loving - 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
yeah nasty bruises! the quad is huge!
i want some beer right now!
You have been given Relax and Enjoy Mochis :).
Crafted by Lorraine
Chokeslam "Fertile Goddess" Confused - 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
Skele Kitten
I 1ike y0ur new ta1e, i due this thinking a11 the time with myse1f, i ask the questi0ns then make up 0r invent my 0wn answers, its great t0 invent answers fr0m within 0nes se1f , s0 in a way that answers the 1st questi0n, y0u can kn0w y0urse1f by questi0ning y0urse1f, , i'd say y0u can kn0w y0ur se1f character ,but n0t the wh01e se1f cause y0u have t0 kn0w y0ur b0dy, mind and spirit, everyce11 ,every mem0ry, every 1ifetime, i'm d0ing strange , dreamed 0f my parents 01d h0use and the basement i gr0w up in 1ike fungus in the dark, in the dream there was a evi1 pressence and n0 1ight c0u1d be made i had a 1ighter in the dream and n0 1ight came fr0m the f1ames just the f1ame c0u1d be seen, and then a presence started t0 emmerge fr0m the darkness a ta11 figure at first i th0ught it t0 be my deceased m0thers gh0st, but i aw0ke bef0re i was sure, h0pe y0ur d0ing we11 hugs t0 y0u my friend:
You have been given Midnight Magick.
Crafted by Raven Morgan
Skele Kitten Sleepy - 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
Hello! I'm almost healed, still eating pain pills though, my ribcage and back got the worst of it when I was stuck under the quad.

Willy wonka! Haha! I wanna go to a brewery! A friend of mine was to the Guinnes brewerey in Ireland, got beer there to. Not that many brewerys around GÖteborg though..

Getting sick on the holidays is awful! The germs get you when you relax, happens all the time! But it's a great way to catch up on your reading, but not if your too sick! Get better fast! How many days left of the holidays?
I'm gonna get me some fat food right now, got inspired..
Have a nice day and get better soon!
You have been given Get well soon! ♥~.
Crafted by Sugar
Unknown Festive - 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
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