I spent a great week in France, Montargis...my host girl was not very friendly and tried to ignore me...they didn't give me much food during the day only in the evening when i NEVER eat...so i didn't put on any weight:P but the country is beautiful...the french lifestyle is less stressful...boys and men are quite talkative if U can speak french..and U can choose from a million places to go out;)
voilá a summary about my experiences:
-french people are never on time
-they don't give breakfast to their guests!!!!
-they love playing bowling and bingo
-hungarian cuisine beatssss the french one..however their croissant is excellent
-French boys are much cuter than Hungarian ones
-they won't let a girl to take a seat first or enter the room before them....they will never help you to carry your suitcase..and will elbow you form their way without any problem but it is not considered to be a rude manner
-french girls hate girl foreigners
-hungarian girls are thinner:P
-people are zero from geography
-they are able to start singing the Marsellaise in the strangest situations, too
-people give 2 or 4 kisses on cheek...first on the left side.....while we give 3 starting on the right...haha there were some accidents cause of it;)
-in France if U speak in english-they are convinced U are english and won't answer you....if u speak in french they will speak faster and use slang to make your life harder
despite all I loooooooooove Franceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Unknown "Laura" Purring
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago