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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"my lolipop."

Unknown, 51/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:29 PM
Join date:16 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
Location: Nova Scotia Canada

"writing messages on money, a letter that no one will destroy"
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Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Unspecified
"my lil EMO"
40210 pts

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"Kewl Pie"
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"tuga bear"
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"Love Dove"
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Unknown's tales
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you can kill people in games or you can run around with a banana in real life and pretend to shoot people until they lock you up.

Unknown "my lolipop." Festive - 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
here's one to send sum1!!! HaHaHa
Unknown "my lolipop." Festive - 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
LOL i found this link a good Laugh!!!
Unknown "my lolipop." Festive - 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!

1. How tall are you barefoot? 5ft 10
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? wth?? No
3. Do you own a gun? yes
4. Do you play with the ads on the side of the screen? h3ll no an think we shouldn't have to see them
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? no
6. What do you think of hot dogs? left over meat ;)
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? AC~DC - Mistress for Christmas
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee!!
9. Can you do push ups? Yes
10. Is your bathroom clean? Yes
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my silver chain
12. Do you like pain killers? yup!
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? have none but have one after i got you!!
14. Do you own a knife? Whole bunch.. latest one is Smith&Wesson EXTREME Ops
15. Do you have A.D.H.D? No
16. Middle Name? Thaddeus Bruno Skurdauskas...... pick one!!!
18. What's your normal bed time? 2am :(
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? coffee,water,Corona
20. What time did you wake up today? 8am
21. Name one person that comes to mind right now? Cheri
22. Current worry? money.. :(((
23. Current hate? Oblivious people!! grrrr
24. Favorite place to be? on a golf course
25. Least favorite place to be? Work...
27. Do you own slippers? Yes
28. What shirt are you wearing? Anaheim DUCKS - hate them so i use it for work!!
29. How many people have ever truly broken your heart? 1
30. Favorite color(s)? Orange,Brown
31. Would you be a pirate? Hell YES!
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? Havin' one right now it's Friday Night!!!
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? none, i sing at work
34. What did you fear was going to get you in the night as a child? whatever was at the end of the track i was on...
35. What's in your pockets right now? roll of toonies..... oh wait!!!
36. Is anyone on your mind right now? Yes
37. Do you think you get enough exercise? Not by a long shot..Will change that soon..
38. Worst injury you've ever had? well i have at this moment a Herniated Disc in lower back
39. If you could cheat on your spouse, would you? marriage not my thing.
40. Why? marriage not my thing.
41. Who is your loudest friend? Dawn lol sorry......
42. Who is your most silent friend? Jimmy
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Have no idea.Not that I am aware of.
44. Do you wish on shooting stars? Every single time! :D
45. What is your favorite book? not a big reader, might learn something!!! DVD BeBe
46. What is your favorite candy? Meh.... had enough in my time...
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? marriage not my thing.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Good-bye Blue-sky
49. What is one of your favorite quotes? Have At It!!!
50. What were you doing 12 AM last night ? tossin an turnin...
Unknown "my lolipop." Festive - 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
The Halifax Explosion occurred on Thursday, December 6, 1917, when the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, was devastated by the huge detonation of a French cargo ship, fully loaded with wartime explosives, that had accidentally collided with a Fire ship set for Belgium in "The Narrows" section of the Halifax Harbour. Approximately 2,000 people (mostly Canadians) were killed by debris, fires, or collapsed buildings, and it is estimated that over 9,000 people were injured.[1] This is still one of the world's largest man-made, conventional explosions to date.

At 8:40 in the morning, Mont-Blanc, a French cargo ship which was chartered by the French government to carry munitions, collided with the unloaded Norwegian ship Imo (pronounced E-mo), chartered by the Commission for Relief in Belgium to carry relief supplies. Mont-Blanc caught fire ten minutes after the collision and exploded about twenty-five minutes later (at 9:04:35 AM).[2] All buildings and structures covering nearly two square kilometres along the adjacent shore of the exploded ship were obliterated, including those in the neighbouring communities of Richmond and Dartmouth.[1] The explosion caused a tsunami in the harbour, and a pressure wave of air that snapped trees, bent iron rails, demolished buildings, grounded vessels, and carried fragments of the Mont-Blanc for kilometres.
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown "my lolipop." Festive - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
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Damn! I Want You You have been given Damn! I Want You.
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Unknown "my lil EMO" Purring - 16 years, 12 days ago

ღ live laugh love ღ You have been given ღ live laugh love ღ.
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Unknown "my lil EMO" Purring - 16 years, 21 days ago
happy to you to babe you lots
♥Me + U = LUV♥ You have been given ♥Me + U = LUV♥.
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Unknown "my lil EMO" Purring - 16 years, 24 days ago

I may have a bad mouth You have been given I may have a bad mouth.
Crafted by Sickboy
Unknown "my lil EMO" Purring - 16 years, 1 month, 2 days ago

Can i be... You have been given Can i be....
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Unknown "my lil EMO" Purring - 16 years, 1 month, 6 days ago

You have been given coupon 3.
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Unknown "my lil EMO" Purring - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
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