Woo hoo! Finally I'm getting my OWN computer! I've been using my boyfriends laptop which he should be using at work actually. But my computer will be ready this week (at least I believe so) and then I can finally do what ever I want! I then I will upload those pictures I've been talking about for a year. =)
Unknown "Honey" Peaceful
- 16 years, 8 months, 1 day ago
I'm back! Our visit to Serbia was absolutely great! As was our little trip to Kuusamo as well. Now I'm trying to adapt to this normal life again. Though I'm going to my familys summer cottage with my friends next weekend. There is no TV, no WC in the house and no water coming in. Electricity there is and an old radio. And a sauna. And the lake. I LOVE IT! It's a really small house and there will be 8 people there, so... two will have to sleep in a tent, and one person will sleep in the sauna. Sounds nice? No? Well it is. I'll try to put up some photos next week. At least in my profile. See ya.
Unknown "Honey" Peaceful
- 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
Ahoj! Yeah, it's been awhile. Umm... I've been trying to organize my summer. But I've found it really hard, because my boyfriend has been doing some plans too. So now we are going to Helsinki to see Bon Jovi at monday and we'll spend tuesday there as well. Then at wednesday we'll drive by car to Kuusamo (that's in Lapland) and spend there the rest of the week. Then I guess I'll just rest the next week and then we are going first to Stockholm, from there to Belgrad and then to Nis (near Belgrad). There we'll spend some time and I guess we will visit Sofia then as well. And after that we will return home and I will finally get back to work!! And it's fun, too. Soooo... I will probably write here again after all these things in july. I hope everyone is having a great time and, please, remember to enjoy your life whatever you are doing. It's up to you. ^___^
Unknown "Honey" Peaceful
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
HI everybody! And I want to apologize right away, because I haven't done anything. I haven't sent messages to any of my friends here, so I'm really sorry. I have just been quite busy lately. I had some exams last week and this week I had the last lessons at the uni so... Now I've been so happy that I've been doing everything! Nice little things like hanging out with friends, reading, training my dog, riding a horse.... 'Cause I'm NOT one of those people who can't live a day without their computer. I don't like to surf or just be hanging in the internet. Once I did. But now... I have life, I guess. =D So, just to be clear: my friends, I will answer you as soon as... well, when I feel like it. Now I wanted to write this tale, so you know the way I am. It's spring time and I've got lots of energy and I want to use it somewhere else than here... Though I like this app and I like my new friends here. But now it's time to enjoy this lovely spring! So have a nice spring! I will send messages again, well.. probably next week. ;)
Unknown "Honey" Peaceful
- 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
Great, now I'm pissed off. Why? Because before I had time to upload more pictures of my new hair... I changed it again!! Not so much though, but anyway... I have a little different cut and colour. Hmph. I'll try to upload some day soon something. At least pics of my "great" mohawk and then pics of this really new hair. Oh boy, my tales are turning out to be "hair blogs". I have life (other than my hair), you know! But right now nothing special... Ok, I was partying with my friend yesterday and I have slept 3 hours... It's something, right? Oh well... =D
Unknown "Honey" Peaceful
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago