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sQuiD iNkmaN | - Free online hangout and friends
Oggle Bugga
Oggle Bugga owns this human at 70 points.

sQuiD iNkmaN
sQuiD iNkmaN

sQuiD iNkmaN, 85/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:08 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Location: Los Angeles Iceland

"If organized religion is the opium of the masses, then disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe."
About me:
Church of the Subgenius the theocracy on Neptune became an interstellar refugee i came to earth in order to learn the finer points of secularism...especially meaningful has been the Church of the Subgenius, Discordianism, and the Gospel of The Flying Sphaghetti Monster...soon i shall take the word of Eris back to my people, but not until i have attained a complete and total illumination amongst my schism
About you:
SLACKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! illuminate anti-consumerism
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds: Nerds are Sexy
sQuiD's tales
sQuiD iNkmaN
mr. giggles went completely ga-ga today ... having jitterbugged excessively along the shuttlecock in a pair of wafflestompers, he happened upon a conundrum ... upon hearing the nincompoops yelling at the morons, "RELEASE THAT LATENT HAIRLIP YA WANKERS", he espied dimple donna going about on all fours, confounding the cockroach throng ... all the while, the sun rose up high in the sky, beckoning like a winking slice of grapefruit, "come hither thy lone, yet artful, daquiri nut, do not sweal before thy swath of sour rays, betwixt among thine bundobust. COME! come delve in towards the embracing quench of my assuaging bosom" ... in the meantime, the fire ants all murmered in a low mantric chant, droning in the din of swirling leaves and draining bathtubs... it smelled of stale wine and roses, giving johnathan suitor a chance to rabblerouse his proposal for an armada from the playtapus queen, a praise worthy of a slap in the face ... such actions alarmed the mollycoddle to bellyaching, often times lending to a caterwaul that sends dear ole puss in boots trundling into the depths of a huggermugger ... it was time to skedaddle back to the stomping grounds ... our entire left sides had begun to atrophy, rendering the world askewed and bedraggled ... there was no foreseeable expectation of every finding a harmonious hodgepodge ... we therefore donned our wimples and shuffled along like a funeral procession of lemmings leaping off the cliffs of dover ... the time was nigh, and the earth struggled to leap lithely over a sideswiping asteroid in its hobbleskirt ... it was like that ... O BABY, was it like that

the shit splitter

sQuiD iNkmaN "Shithead" Dazed - 15 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
sQuiD iNkmaN
charge my receptors

i had just wandered up from between the cracks in the reserves were shot and i needed to lay down...the pillow sizzled with an inviting static charge...everything was almost complete
it was tuesday, i believe...annabelle warned me to watch my ass, as several blackbag men were looking for me in question over some pieces of slanderous grafitti plastered atop goverment billboards advertising the benefits of the states newly approved isotope chili...with actual beans no less.
it wasn't me, but i had published several doctrines advocating a break away from conformity by acknowledging the uselessness of the new rebellion, and its inability for random juxtaposition of combined contradictions...all this was soon to be available to the general public once this aberrant society has gone totally insane.
still, i needed to rest...i was exhausted...our universe was beginning to implode, as one of many parallel worlds began to impede, once again, upon this time/dimension...the resultant increase in gravity could be easily felt, and we had to rely more and more upon the genetically grafted nano-machines wired to our DNA to complete the task our natural bodies were incapable fiber optic synapses were in need of a recharge and the static electric pillow was glowing with overunity energy.
well, its dark...goodnight folks...see you in the cyber-dreamspace

sQuiD iNkmaN "Shithead" Dazed - 16 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
sQuiD iNkmaN

Catholic Discipline-Underground Babylon

sitting in a room surrounded by bottles. my friends have all left and my heads is on fire. Its already morning but pieces of night are still stuck to my hair. what we did is fading, in the light of day. what we say is bullshit. we live the modern way...

And i guess ill never find out which one of you wrote with a greasy lipstick, "babylon must fall", on the bathroom mirror.

on a spotty mattress i will lay for hours. adding up all my sins and inventing new ones. im proud of my life and ill stand by my doom. i can't tell right from wrong and it never stopped me. All the prophets have died. the books have been written. salvation in a jar. we laugh so hard it hurts

And i guess ill never find out which one of you wrote with a greasy lipstick, "babylon must fall", on the bathroom mirror.

i like the taste of guilt, i know the taste of death, it makes me want to sing, it makes me want to bite. when all the dumbfucks sleep with their glad little brains, full of glad little dreams. we try our new curses, experiment with fear, experiment with fear, sink in each other souls and rehearse our downfall

And i guess ill never find out which one of you wrote with a greasy lipstick, "babylon must fall", on the bathroom mirror.

sQuiD iNkmaN "Shithead" Dazed - 16 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
sQuiD iNkmaN

i wandered thru the haze of neon and fog... the clashing of sanskrit, mandrian, and cantonese tattooed my cerebellum... i had wandered far from my people and was lost in another time, in an alien landscape... i would look at my hands every few seconds in an effort to feel just a tinge of solidity, as i was dissolving with every step i took... twirling mirrors dangling from the eaves of bizarre structures flashed reflections of light beams into my retina, inducing further delirium... i could feel parts of myself starting to seperate...arms, legs, head, the features of my face... they began to float apart from one another, like pieces of a doll held to one another by some thin elastic cord... as i moved in the fashion of a marionette over the surface of this strange world, a mirror suddenly captured my attention, and i was once again drawn to look at my hands... upon focusing completely on the skin i noticed a certain transparency exposing the underlying tissue... elements of bone, musculature, and sinew began to take form, and the skin became gelatinous... i quickly turned and looked up at my reflection in the mirror... who i saw was not familiar in any eyes turned white, then blue, flashing a kelidoscope of colors while my hair stood on end, like fur on the back of a frightened cat...then the scene froze, and the world around me disappeared... a wind was coming... i could feel it like an approaching consciousness... and as i took one final breath of liquid nitrous, i could feel the Black... like a large opening maw... then... i fell... and fell.... and fell... and fell

somehow... i'm still falling... guess i'm in orbit... i don't think i'll ever come down

sQuiD iNkmaN "Shithead" Dazed - 17 years, 2 days ago

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Harliquin "Vesti La Giubba" - 3 years, 12 months ago
sQuiD iNkmaN
i completely forgot this fucking site still existed
sQuiD iNkmaN "Shithead" Dazed - 11 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
Marie Staar

You have been prepared as a pirate mate.
Marie Staar "Puddy Tat" Scared - 11 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
Marie Staar

The Prettiest Girl In The Morgue You have been given The Prettiest Girl In The Morgue.
Crafted by Sumiko Lande
Marie Staar "Puddy Tat" Scared - 11 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
YAAAARGH! You have been given YAAAARGH!.
Crafted by Lisa
BatCat Bye bye darlings. ^^ - 13 years, 5 months, 25 days ago
The sex and the city kind of girls.. just gone a little bit worse even. :O
Oh My Eyes! MY VIRGIN EYES! You have been given Oh My Eyes! MY VIRGIN EYES!.
Crafted by Dr Isley
BatCat Bye bye darlings. ^^ - 13 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
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sQuiD's shop

dealing enlightenment one OUNCE at a time
hubba hubba

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