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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
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I make people laugh even when their sad, My pressence lights up a room, Everyone always seems to be happy around me especilly if its one on one. People love and like me for being me. I try not to make the world revolve around myself but sometimes is just does and I can't change that. I like meeting new matter who you are I will always be a friend if needed. People feel comfortable around me, they open up and I listen. I'm ME and people love it and that will never change.
Unknown "princess" Cheeky - 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
To A Speical Oma, Sister, Mother, Daughter, Great Grandma and Great Great Grandma...
You are a dream come true and a special treasure to cherish...
You have brought such happiness and joy and many warm memories
Which will always be remembered.

Even though you are not here: And you do not sleep
You are the thousand winds that blow
You are the diamond glints of snow,
You are the sunlight on ripened grain
You are the gentle autumn's rain.
You are the footprints in the sand
Guiding each and everyone of us through the weary day
You are still here and will always stay

When we wake up to the morning hush
You are the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight.
You are the stars that shine at night
You kept holdin on like you had something to accomplish...
Something in which we will never know
You brought us all together to mourn in your leaving...
To me your true gift was bringing us together
For us to share all the memories that we have to remeber you

To us Death is when our loved ones must depart
Death is the sharp pain in our heart..
Death is an unhappy feeling to have
It is unpleasant on anyone's behalf
Even though its always hard to say good-bye to someone we love, its
even worst if you can never find yourself to cry.
Everytime you think bout the chance of never saying good-bye, nows the
Time to show them you really care and cry.

Unknown "princess" Cheeky - 16 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
I'm terrified of clowns|I show off even tho i try not to|i flirt alot! I'm on the computer wayy to much|I tend to Hog a lot haha|I LOVE TO PARTY!! I Hate People who think there all that and try to act like it to|I brag Sometimes even tho I try not to..| I hate My shoulders!!!They make me look like a man!!! I dont bite unless I have to lol|I may look like a goodygoody But Im not!| When Im mad I always tell people im fine or im happy because I dont like it when people give me there symapthy|I hate it when people tell me what to do|Im confused about a lot|My hands and feet are always cold for some reason|Im very open|I cant stand sleeping with pants on|I never wear Pj's to bed just some underwear nad a long t-shirt or long sleeve shirt|I live on scott st. In Harlum| Ive never lived out of harlum|I use to share a small room with three boys|I like my alone time| I hate hanging around the same people for long periods of time cause i end up gettin sick of them| I love being alone to think and decide what the hell im going to do with my life| I hate love, nomatter how many times i do fall in love i try to aviod it cause i always end up gettin hurt| I love gettin hurt physically| Im usually always bored| I love to work| I work at staples as a cashier| My best friend in the whole world is Kaileen Capener, and we are some weird ones i tell ya lol| we may get into fights but we love each other that much more when we make up haha| I have nine different kinds of perfume, that were all given to me on christmas and i love them all| I love tank & halter tops| I love my music| and I love people who right there own music| People say im smart and i always disagree| I usually cry everynight becuase it makes me fall asleep| I like my food| I hate sharing| Im a bitch according to some people but if ya cant handle me well then go find someone else to hang out with| My feet are size 10 in guys and size 11 in girls| I bite me finger nails, its a nasty habit that ive had ever since i was little and I cant seem to stop| I also pick at my toe nails which is just as bad as the fingers| I love nail polish especailly the smell| I hate wearing my hair down, I usually always wear it up someway or another| I hate cats, but I love kittens| I love DOGS| I love the song Shift Work By Kenny Chesney| I lvoe watching Reba and CSI| I love pickles, there so yummy lol| I also love watermelon flavored anything| I really want a labtop| I really wanna pass my driving test| Im very shy sometimes| Im usually very quite until you get to know me then im crazy| I love to drink R&R| I dont really like beer unless im drunk already and cant taste it cause it goes down smooth| I make $8.90/hr| I take care of my baby sisters alot| I love them to death and I dont know what I would do if anything happened to them| I try way to hard to impress people only to be dissappointed in the end| I love sick humour, and I lvoe really funny people who can make me laugh(cody lol)| I like wearing sports bras| I hate shopping, unless its like for food or electronics or something| I love going fishing, hunting and camping with my dad| I wish i still played basketball cause i was gettin really good but then i stopped| I wish i knew what i was doing with my life| I want to work in a camp as a cook I think it would be fun| I love falling when im drunk| I hate going to the bathroom when im drunk| I love the color black| I have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear| I love txting| My second toe is longer then my big toe| Im very stuborn at times| I love my eyes...they creep me out sometimes lol, especailly when im staring at myself in the mirror making faces lol| Im very weird and pround of it| I wish my mom would let go once ina while| at times i feel sofocated and just need to get out| Ive thought of suicide| Ive thought of running away| Just cant seem to do it| I love wood designs| I like to doodle weird designs and then color them in with pen, I waste alot of my pens at school when I do that lol| As you can tell im very bored right now| I love to travel| I really want to go to Australia and Germany| One day I know I will| I want to move to Bala or Toronto, Ontario, because Thats where my grandpa is born and where he was buried and its really beautiful there| I hate washing dishes| I have way to many clothes| I hate folding laundry| I either want a small apartment or a big house| I forgive to easily| I cry to much| Some days i just dont know| I read a lot| I love teenage romance and fantasy novels| I love to watch movies, doesnt really matter what it is ill pretty much watch anything| The best book I ever read was called Bitten| I love vampires and werewolves| I love piercings| I want to get a tattoo|| I love the little Mermaid| I love old disney movies| I hate how guys always act different around you when there with their friends and then when your alone they go back to being themselves, why cant they just be themselves all the time| I always try to be myself even when its hard not to| Who Am I really?| My bosy always hurts| I have a cracked vertabra| I love ocean fishing| I love swimming the Ocean at night because it is really warm| My favorite Lake is Sand Lake, good times there| I lvoe drinking with kaileen:P lol| I love taking pictures of myself| I wish i cud look good ina bikini but I dont haha|

Unknown "princess" Cheeky - 17 years, 3 days ago
As we grow up, we LEARN that even the one person that
wasn't SUPPOSED to let us down probably will you'll have
your HEART broken, probably more than once, and it's HARDER every
time. You'll break hearts too, so REMEMBER how it felt when
someone BROKE yours. You'll fight with your BEST FRIEND and
maybe even fall in LOVE with them. You'll blame a NEW LOVE
for things an old one did. You'll CRY becuase TIME
is PASSING too fast and you'll eventually LOSE
someone close to you. So take too many PICTURES,
Laugh too much, and LOVE like you've never been hurt
because every 60 seconds you spend anygry or upset is a
minute of HAPPINESS you'll never get back.
Unknown "princess" Cheeky - 17 years, 27 days ago
If You look inside a Girl...
you would see how much she really cries, you
would find so many secrets && lots of lies, but
what you'll see the most is how hard it is to stay
strong when nothing is right and everything is wrong
_____x Unknown "princess" Cheeky - 17 years, 27 days ago
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Chris White
hey my sexy lover!! haha why did you giveme pet? jw... well i will see you later ;) hahahahahaha
oh baby baby :P
Rawr... :S :|
Chris White "my moo" Intrigued - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
William Wallace

You have been given ~A Hug A Day~.
Crafted by Allan
William Wallace "My Brave Heart" Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
William Wallace
he needs an owner
You have been given ♥ Came To Give You A Kiss.
Crafted by Jari G
William Wallace "My Brave Heart" Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
William Wallace
now your part of my other princesess
You have been given Crowned a Princess.
Crafted by Unknown
William Wallace "My Brave Heart" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months ago
William Wallace
may you have a very good one
You have been given Happy New Year, My Love.
Crafted by Nartha Arzatec
William Wallace "My Brave Heart" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months ago
William Wallace

You have been given Have a Great Day!!.
Crafted by Unknown
William Wallace "My Brave Heart" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months ago
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Unknown's shop
Jessica's Cafe

I Sell whatever i find Interesting enough to sell.

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200 pts
Bought by 1 people
Flash Me, Im Bored =]
1 use

200 pts
Flash Me, Im Bored =]
Bought by 10 people
Consider yourself hugged!
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200 pts
Consider yourself hugged!
Bought by 21 people
Cookie Monster
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200 pts
Cookie Monster
Bought by 13 people
Love yea
1 use

200 pts
Love yea
Bought by 3 people
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100 pts
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C-ingIsBelievin, SimplyBeautiful
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200 pts
C-ingIsBelievin, SimplyBeautiful
Bought by 2 people
Im srry.
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200 pts
Im srry.
Bought by 2 people
I hate Mondays =[
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200 pts
I hate Mondays =[
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Sweet Dreams
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200 pts
Sweet Dreams
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Lol =]
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200 pts
Lol =]
Bought by 3 people
Have a Great Day!!
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200 pts
Have a Great Day!!
Bought by 3 people
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200 pts
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150 pts
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Hey Beautiful
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200 pts
Hey Beautiful
Bought by 71 people
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