first of all, :)
im a cancer, and proud of it, vergo moon, libra rinsing.
Year of the rabbit, fire element.
Work for life,
and play till i die... ? -lovetheuniverse? Peace+Love&Granola .
im very random. if i had to put m self into any one category, i really don't know what that would be, and i mean that in the best way lol. i have colored hair, id tell you what color it is, but ill prob change it in a few days anyway. i love nightmare before Christmas, and all Tim Burtin's movies. i love JTHM, and Invader Zim, (Jhonen Vasquez). i have 3 tattoos, and want lots more. i only have one piercing now, my nipple, but iv had more then i could almost remember at one point. i haven't eaten fast food in over 3 and a half years, and i eat like a king because im a chef. i like to work out and oversize, my mom is a personal trainer so there is a bit of influence there. im very happy with who i am, and wouldn't change for anyone, but never say never, it's one thing that has helped me to get to where i am in life. i love my mom, and my dad and the rest of my family, and friends. take every day with care, and live it to the fullest.
i believe in love, because iv been there, iv felt it. and i know its always going to be there and thats never going to change, one thing we can all always hold on to.
im a chef, i went to culinary arts school at an awesome university. i love cooking and making people happy. iv been working in kitchens since i was 15, and am very happy with where it is taking me in life with accordance to my dreams, and aspirations. i enjoy the simple things in life just as much as the exciting.
anything is possible, if you try hard enuf.
i like interesting people that have an opinion, or just like to chat. im looking for someone that i can have a conversation with that lasts hours and hours, or just chill out and watch movies on a rainy day. i enjoy all kinds of music, and activity's. everything from painting, to sailing, and hiking, biking, writing, or just chilling round the house being lazy :p oh, and i love my long board :)
im a cancer, July 1st, 1987. i study astrology, crystals, and i like to meditate. i encourage the knowing of "whats out there", and freedom of expression. i take pride in being, lets say, differant in my own ways :)
im well rounded, and educated. i love to learn, and teach. we never stop learning and growing. i graduated high school with honors, top of my class. took art, cooking, English, music, arts, and environmental studies. when i graduated, i worked in a few places getting experience before attending Culinary arts school and loved it. now i work as a Sous Chef at a nice Italian restruant and couldn't be happier.
i enjoy all kinda of music, but i don't really like rap, or country, but i can still enjoy most of it. i really like listening to a full symphony orchestra live in concert, or just chillin at home listening to mostly metal, punk. rock, or what evers on the radio. if you want to see a really good video of the song "stand by me" go here, i really suggest it :)
well i like interesting ppl, ppl that don't worry to much about the little things in life, while still knowing that they are there.
i like ppl that consider them self to be "Perfectly Comfortable" with who they are, and what they look like.
i hate when ppl obsess about there looks, i think that you should just be able to be happy with what you are, then you can improve. but at the same time, you still got to care, look your best, not be sloppy about life, it happens so much now, we dont even notice.
I like ppl that express them selfs in differant ways :)
I like out going ppl, people that arnt afraid to make new friends everywhere they go, and still like to have there own space, and not have to talk to anyone if they dont want to. and i like People that take the time to read others profiles, because I do, :)
With ice coarsening through my veins, my hart go's numb. The moment your warm, calm fingers pressed against my skin, i could almost feel my hart stop as time came to a stand still. I try to gasp for air, but cannot muster but a single breath as our eyes meet, and fire replaces my frost torn heart. Taking in a deep breath, i can almost feel your warmth scorch my lungs. Breathing in the air fresher, a slight breeze fills the room with the intoxicating allure of your smell as it takes me to my knees.
~~~{<@ B_neath B_neath_time "~♥~"Wild
- 15 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
dead skin on Trial
chained, beaten, and locked up, iv been cast down, with no hope left around, a voice is heard in my ear, that my curse is but a fear.
shattered, torn apart and thrown away my mind has been consumed. ragging in and out, of its internal intent, but walls are now falling, and my eyes can now see.
scorned, misunderstood, and seemingly deceived i herd the fear and pain described to me with all but one piece, of mind, tells me to take my head up, and take your hand and soar.
bloody, burnt, and bruised all over, iv given my self fully, but to find my self pushed, falling, looking back with an infinite awe, that shreds my heart and mind. fell to my death and tortured again, and again.
a rush of light and the deepest breath ever taken, the darkness flees with death at its heals taken with the fear and doubt. i now hold you firmly in my arms let us leave this place together, and start over fresh lean on me and i will lean on you, lift you up and take you away to a place far to heated for any other.
id say id take you to the end, but I fear this to be a lie for no end in life or death could ever take, me away from you and all you are. my wildest dreams, and most contagious nightmares, i bite my lip, and melt away. hurt you not but what you ask of me crave, and lust tenderly i will ensure your soul to be at rest.
the tip of my tong ragging with intent, but can not just simply infect, with the sinister poison inside the simple words but left out to show just how strong my roots do sit. taken up and tossed away, to rot i found my self unpredictably calm and free. lifted up and gave me water, ill show you just how you mean to me.
tear them down and build me up, ill hold you close and sweep you off your feet. lets take control and grab the reign's, and see what tomorrow has to offer. ill do my best, and say how it still gets me how you just showed up with no warning. gave me life and light, sinister joy, and consuming passion, i smile now and look in your eyes... B_neath_time "~♥~"Wild
- 15 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
this is a story iv been working on, just a bit of it, i may post more latter :)
living B_neath the surface, i can almose taste freedom. the ecos of my voice surender me to my fate. i can not live the life i wish, but the one i must. breaking through the divide i surge forward like a freight train ripping my bodys flesh from bone, to become something new. unstoppable, yet so vonerable, i long to see another sun set, or sun rise.
inprissoned inside my head, living the ages as everthing, everyone, dies arround me. i "live" and learn all of there downfalls and live them for my own. swolen and brused from time, i can not justify the actions of my past but exictue them with poise and manner. the intoxicating fumes of the lifes last moments as blood runs cold, the only everlasting constant that never changes. cornered and full of fear they plead for freedom, or exept thier fate and pleed to join me. a choice that is held with caution, and a straight back at the sequince of the end of time its self. keeping a balance is held only for a small few that i only vaugly can say in a millenia can recall, but know it is not mine to give. untill one night, the unexpected happens and my victom became my match...
running down time, closer and closer i became untill the dark over came the night, and all light has gone. my powers are stronger there. i hold back only to lunge up and over my victom, only to find them gone. i stop, listen, no sounds. take a deep breath, smell nothing but the cold. "how could this be?" i think to my self. suddenly every once of blackend blood in my body feels as if its set afire, and out of the darkness somthing hits me and sends my back off my feet towards the light.
now only feeding off the blatent atemet at my life i adjust my spine, and conger the demon inside me. feeling the sudden surge of energy i rush back to find no one, nothing there. confused, and raging with anger, exitement, and, fear, im lost for thought to what has just happend. i can not smell or feel anyone, anything there. who, or what was that, and where did they go?... B_neath_time "~♥~"Wild
- 15 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
alright, this is something i wrote a little while ago, found it this morning, so i thought id put it up, it was an Opinion Essy :)
Through the advancement of technology, old ways, traditions, values, and religions change, and correspond with the times. as we advance with our civilization, we consume more and more coultures, and divers ways of life into "our own." all the time new and inproved ways of doing things are brought forward, and the old ways become more and more obsolete. just in the last century we have gone from a race that used horse and buggy, to steam engines, engines in general for that matter. our exploration of the seas, the sky, space, and the un-known has been the goal, and driving force of humanity. if you go back to traditional values, and ways of life, generally we had more respect, and admiration for nature, and life. as we advance, we have, and are loosing these important values.
sure we have become more efficient, reliable, and certain tasks have become easier. a task that would have taken several people to accomplish, could easily take only one person a shot amount of time, because of technology, and machines, but we are loosing what is really important. some cultures, native bands, tribes, towns are disappearing because of this globalization. as life gets easier for some, it makes it that much harder for others. supplies and economic musts are destroying old traditional ways as they get integrated into society. as we become a more and more globally standardized race, we become more reliable on these ways. this makes it potentially desasterious for smaller communities, societies, and cultures to survive alone, forcing them into the rest of the flow of things. but as well, on the other hand, some communities will flourish and grow with the advancement of ideas, and tools, also going into the traditional realm of things, evolving, and advancing different cultures in different ways.
on the other end of things, without the knowledge of these cultural values, where woud we be if it all collapsed? if everything that we hold for granted in the dependency that we have created for our selves on computers, and technology, was suddenly the down fall of our race, then who do you think would be able to maintain there cool, so to speak, and continue as if nothing, or very little has happened? it would be these outer expanses of cultural diversity that would really keep us together. we must try to go back to a more traditional way of things, use, and need. using our skills and minds to our advantages, through artisan trades, and more hands on ways of life, thinking, and dependency. i my self have learned many skills, and interesting trades, like baking, im a chef, ethnobotany, sailing, drafting, ect. just the making of breads, one of the most common staples of our society, is such an important skill to posses, to craft hand made breads that are soo good, from such simple ingredients, its amazing, and much the same gos for many other trades and applied skills that there are. so please, the next time you go to a Mc Donald's, (puke*) or drive your car when you could have walked, sat at home and watched tv, instead of going for a nice walk and enjoying the sea, or mountain air, think about it, what if? what would we do? whould we really be able to cope with our technologically advanced and dependent race?
but there is always a bright, and a dark side to everything in the end any way, so who is to say what is right, or wrong?
B_neath_time "~♥~"Wild
- 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
running and running in circles, trying to find a comfortable spot. over and over searching, but it seems just out of reach, and then, it disappears again. is it just a dream, or an illusion put on by reckless unassociated events? i lean, farther and farther, trying to hear a faint clue to the question i don't even know anymore. maybe it is just in my head after all, but it feels soo real. if i pinch my self now, i will feel pain, but it dose not Heart. is the pain real? or am i imagining it, building it up more and more until it consumes me. i don't know, i have to move so i can take up the plank I'm standing on, but if i do that, I'm not standing on it anymore. if i cant see what it is, then how am i supposed to know. lol, imagined thoughts of disillusioned morals i say. I'm not the one that sins, but the one that feels what i want to feel. lust, agony, greed, love..., and freedom. freedom to say, to act upon what sin full fantasies i have. we all hear the voice, but do not answer as if you feel obligated to just fit into the status Que.
I'm not buying into it. i know you can make you own decisions, unless you still don't dress your self in the morning. i know i do. i make my own planes, and see to it if i want to follow through, but with common certisie to my neighbour. i would not put up my hand to one that dose not scorn me, but laugh at them when they do, because they are just waisting their energy, and time. but that all its own is another investment, Time, it comes, it gos, it last forever, and has seen all, and herd more then any could fathom. i cant Begin to relate to the intense energy surrounding time, to master, is to evolve.
open you eyes with me now, i can feel everything inside you moving as a constant. let your self go free, breath, and close your eyes, sit, concentrate on nothing, but your breathing, and you hart beat. now open you inner eye, and see the world around you move. grow. live. die. feel your self at peace. and in no pain, or bliss. just feel, feel the air, and don't let it go until you have woken up. i don't want to force you to be alive, but, press you to open your own mind and look around.
i have no more to say. B_neath_time "~♥~"Wild
- 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
by grace Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( ) vfds
grace andrew
"Tuesday's Grace"
- 10 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
- 13 years, 11 months, 20 days ago