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Unknown, 42/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:47 AM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Location: Vienna Austria

About me:
I study business administration in Vienna. I have no girlfriend because I dont have any time left. I like the study topic a lot and I will specialise in marketing research for spare time activities. I am a member of the SK Rapid Wien. I dont like intolerant persons, cause I like multicultural places like the Brunnenmarktviertel in Ottakring/Vienna.
About you:
uncomplicated people who have some interests
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Nakedity Now, Mishpacha - The Family, •••Thumb••Vladko•••, ****Human Pets Mall****, Private Wish Room

"Tangerine Dream"
1000 pts

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Unknown's tales
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Unknown Crazy - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago

Loads of stress, I think all my exams and presentation are in the first month of this semester, so now. Afterwards will be more confident but I guess I will start several courses additionally. No chance for boredoem.
Unknown Crazy - 16 years, 4 months, 13 days ago
Finally we made it, 32. title is in Hütteldorf Rapid Wien is champion of Austria.
In the last days I read everything about the guy who slaved his daughter in his cellar and has 6 children with her. What a disgusting person, however I think also his wife must be an idiot when she doesnt know what her husband does all the time in the cellar.
At university an exhausting time is in front of me 50 days with 10 exams, but I hope the football fanatism lowers the expectations of the professors and the exams are milder than in other times. I decided to watch only the last games and concentrate on the exams, but this will become difficult.
Otherwise dont watching the Olympic games will be easier cause its another time zone, interests me less and I boycot it because of the Tibet politics of China.
Next weekend I go to Prague, I hope the weather will become nice.
I discovered some podcasts they are called the latest at ... dots stand for facebook, myspaces, second life etc. there are a bunch of, but in the last week not many came out of them.
To my mind the new dedicate a music video function of FB is great, but many videos are blocked by you tube which sucks. Especially when its something harmless like Foo Fighters.

Unknown Crazy - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Huurraaaaa!!!!!!!!! I got the place for an exchange semester in St. Petersburg.
On Sunday is the game where my soccer club can take the title, cause there are only two games left and we are 4 points in front. The whole city is preparing for the celebration afterwards, it would be the perfect start into the Euro which starts in 2 months here in Vienna.
If you like musicals check out this its from Elisabeth Carlsson who is on HP too.
I booked almost everything for my summer trip, it will become great and will start with a dinner in Paris with my friends there I met here. If you are in Paris at 2.7. join us!
If you like nude tourism go to Ada Bojana and eat sardelici with me. Its at the boarder between Montenegro and Albania and there is nothing besides this camp. So the optimal place to relax.

Unknown Crazy - 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
Tomorrow is the oficial spring start, which I announced already one month ago. I think this is because I am a sun child, I love sun and warm weather, but I need also the rain that the beautiful planet doesnt erode and gets boring as the Sahara.
Hey all you people at the beginning of July I will meet in Paris with Sabine, Romain, Leandre etc. all people from HP, we will have a dinner in a restaurant, join us and visit this great place and get to know us in the real world. It will be great fun, I know that their are beds in hostels which start at 17€, I think thats affordable and there are also loads of low-cost-airlines which fly to Paris Orly. So no excuses.
This week a new Lynchland episode came out it was great 40min long and was around travelling in a time machine and then Liam was in the future and experienced some freakin things with god who wanted to destroy earth and who it was rescued, there Alex Albrecht had a guest role, which was very funny. Also Weird Al Yankovic was in the episode. Find it under under podcast its episode 20.
My Easter sunday was great Rapid my soccer club one 0:7 in the stadium of the current leader, the rich guys from Red Bull Salzburg and took over the lead in the table and there are only 5 games left.
Today I will jogg across Ottakring a shaddy old district, with a great Rocky flair. Afterwards I will study the reasons for the greatest catastrophs in economic history.
Last weekend I saw the film Rublevka, its about a road where the richest people of Moscow live, also Putin. Its a nice documentary especially when one learns russian its a good possibility to listen to well articulating natives, but it had german subtitles so may its also something for non-russian speakers.
The eating last weekend was great after fasting during the week before I ate first kebap, then grilled chicken with potato salad then pudding and in the evening green salad with eggs and later pudding.

Unknown Crazy - 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
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Sabine Chamroeun
cuz i don't see you anymore on hp
Sabine Chamroeun "...chatte..." Serene - 16 years, 16 days ago
Sabine Chamroeun
i think you are in
a secret mission You have been given a secret mission.
Crafted by Thats MR unknown to U
Sabine Chamroeun "...chatte..." Serene - 16 years, 16 days ago
Stephany aka Blommie
Ps Good morning my Friend (it's 9am by U) (10am by me ):~)
Some Good Morning Love You have been given Some Good Morning Love.
Crafted by Heman
Stephany aka Blommie "Lickable Legs" Adventurous - 16 years, 20 days ago
Stephany aka Blommie
Hey Lukas
How are U my Friend?
sorry it's late, been soooo busy this weekend, that HAPPY VALENTINES
Happy Valentines Baby You have been given Happy Valentines Baby.
Crafted by Stephany aka Blommie
Stephany aka Blommie "Lickable Legs" Adventurous - 16 years, 20 days ago
You have been given need wotka.
Crafted by Unknown
Mala "Malo morgen" - 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Sabine Chamroeun

You have been given Giving Yourself To Jesus.
Crafted by Ali A
Sabine Chamroeun "...chatte..." Serene - 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Peaceland Inc.

Sells things which foster peace and happiness. Peace my puppies!

when I am busy
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when I am busy
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pizza with sausages in the crust
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pizza with sausages in the crust
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An in-crowd member
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300 pts
An in-crowd member
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A pee accident
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200 pts
A pee accident
Bought by 59 people

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