4 thumb tales and a real one sounds good enough to me.
So, you want a tale? I'll give you one of my tales of adventure.
Guns part 1
So the very first time i got shot at was back in 2006. I think. I had gone to a birthday party for my cousin's 4 year old (at the time) daughter's birthday. My dad went too, but i was chilling with my nephew and other people there, so when my dad wanted to go home, my Older brother decided to let me stay with him over at his house for the night.
My 2 nephews, my niece, my cousin, my brother and his wife took me with them when they went home. But we decided to go to a sideshow that was goin on and proceded toget rear endd by an old school cadillac that was being stupid and sped off ASAP. Now a Cherry red 60something cadillac isn't too hard to find, and my brother was pissed off. so we go CHASING the caddy, and my nephew's girlfriend calls her uncle (who is at the show as wel), who finds the car pretty quickly. He goes straight up to the car, which was stopped at a light, and pulled out the keys. He then walks over to our car, and hands the keys to my brother and says, pull into the gas station on the corner and we'll settle this thing.
my brother does, and the guys in the caddy all hop out, and start buggin my brother. about 15 more people start gathering around our car, and my brother decided (smartly) to get the hell outta the place. only problem was that my nephew's gf decided to get outta the car and my nephew had followed her. little idiots. So we're starting to go, and everyone starts yelling, wait a minute!
my nephew and his girl get in, and all of a sudden the window on the other side of the car shatters! we gun it outta there and get dropped off back at the house where the party was, while my brother goes home and calls the cops. they didnt want to get in trouble for having so many kids in the car (my and my other nephew were in the trunk... it was a magnum so we could see what was goin on and could get out if needed).
When the police came to investigate, they found a bullet lodged in the door frame. they said that if the bullet had been fired about an inch lower someone would have been shot.
that, my friends is the story of the first time i ever was shot at.
Unknown "Monster Mash" Sparkling
- 17 years, 4 days ago