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"Perfect Lover"
Name: |
Unknown, 45/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 8:12 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago |
Location: | Singapore
About me:
About you:
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | tHuMbs for hUd | Herds: | Humpty Thumbty, ♥Wild Kittens♥, hOt dOtz, TROYS PERSONAL SPAM, THUMB, you don't stop!, Euphy's Herd 5/10, J's Thumbline, Treasure Chest, Corey's Philosophers Need Thumbs, Rain:raiN, ~~ Thumbs for Belle ~~, NoRiKo ^@^, ~~Zh0nG's Isolated IsL@nD~~, Thumbs for Eeva, Senseless Thumbing....., Dazed and Confucius |
1000000 pts
14593 pts
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Unknown's tales
"tO tHe wOrLd u mAy bE oNlY 1 pErsOn,bUt tO 1 pErsOn U mAy mEAn tHe wOrLd"XD "mAnY pEoPle likE unCut dIaMOnDs hAf pReCiOus qUaLitIeS beNeAtH a rOugH eXtErIor"
Unknown "Perfect Lover" Sparkling
- 17 years, 23 days ago
tHuMBs fOr ThuMbs!!! thumb my herd and leave a msg and ur link I'd thumb u back =D http://humanpets.com/herdProfile.php?hid=15978 would return favor asap!!! thank u XD
Unknown "Perfect Lover" Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
oNly ONE mAn iN a tHOusAnD iS A leaDer, tHe oTheR 999 fOlloW wOmAn. iNsTeAd oF tRyIng tO cOmPeTe, wOmAn sHoUlD trY tO gIVe tHeIr beSt qUaLitIes tO mEn- bRing tHem soFtNesS, tEaCh tHeM hOw tO cRy LOL
Unknown "Perfect Lover" Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
"bEhInD eVeRy sUcCeSsfUl mAn, tHeRe iS aLwAyS a sTroNg aNd sUpPoRtiVe wOmAn" "iN sPiTe of everything i still feel people are good at heart." XD "aLL oUr dReAmS cAn coMe tRue iF wE haf tHe couRagE tO puRsuE thEM"
Unknown "Perfect Lover" Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
wHaT tHe wOrlD nEEds iS mOrE lOvE and LESS pApErWoRk nObLe dEEds n hOt bAths R tHe bEsT curE foR sTrEsSed-uP sOuLs tHe tRoUble witH thE rAt rAce is Even iF oNe wIns, oNe is sTiLL a rAt... --cheers! =D
Unknown "Perfect Lover" Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
weng's fun shop
inspired to provide fun items for all owners and pets to show their appreciations and share happiness items will be updated when new ideas are generated *if u haf any item in mind that is not in my shop, comment on my profile and i'll try to get it up real soon. have fun in HP!=D
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