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"my beotch!"

Unknown, 40/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:40 AM
Join date:16 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
Location: Port Perry, Ontario Canada

About me:
I love loud music, pajama pants, fuzzy blankets and funny pictures. I have an obsession with the food network. My new passion in life is cooking. I hate talking on the phone! I still love coloring with Crayola crayons. I love HOT weather~the hotter the better. I hate the cold and snow with a passion. I dont like socks, I hate how they feel. I never sleep with a top sheet on my bed. After 6 years with him I still get butterflies when I see Nick. I dont wear makeup, actually I dont even own makeup. I dont think being skinny is important, as long as you are happy with yourself who cares what size you wear. I have more important things to worry about. My friends and family are so important to me, and I could not survive without them. I am grateful for forgiveness, but I am also awesome at revenge. I am silly, I have a warped sense of humor that only a few people actually get. I like when people like me, but dont really care when they dont. My house is usually messy, because I hate cleaning and I would rather be doing something I enjoy than cleaning, although I do break down and clean up. I love grocery shopping. I love laying in bed watching TV. I dont put a lot of value into materialistic things, and money isnt that important to me. I dont buy expensive purses, cause I dont really care who made it. I am proud of myself for the things I have accomplished. I am excited for the future. I never regret anything that I have done in the past because at that time it was exactly what I wanted, and it made me who I am today. And to be honest, I think I am pretty effing awesome.... In the past year or so I have really figured out who I am and what I want outta life and I am really looking forward to moving ahead. I have no time in my life for fake people and the only people that I keep close to me are those who respect me and cherish me as much as I cherish them. I live a really quiet life in a small town with my love Nicholas. ======================== ===
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight

WiTcHy WoMaN
gram would be rolling in her grave ;aughin' haha
You have been given Time For SoMe Dirty Dancing......
Crafted by John R-'Shadow'
WiTcHy WoMaN "Dead" Can be found on FB - 16 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
WiTcHy WoMaN

You have been given Superstar tree love scene 01:37.
WiTcHy WoMaN "Dead" Can be found on FB - 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
WiTcHy WoMaN
HeHe one for you and one for k.j
You have been given Soulja Boy - Crank Dat + Lyrics 03:50.
WiTcHy WoMaN "Dead" Can be found on FB - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
WiTcHy WoMaN
You have been given WeLcOmE tO mY LiTtLe wOrLd.
Crafted by WiTcHy WoMaN
WiTcHy WoMaN "Dead" Can be found on FB - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
WiTcHy WoMaN

You have been given have a nice day.
Crafted by Unknown
WiTcHy WoMaN "Dead" Can be found on FB - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
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