For a moment the sun shines over beautifull green grass meadow, as it is alive with many things like the sound of birds saying, a moment later the leaves begin to die and fall over the also dieing grass, a moment later the real cold sets in and so begins the ice and snow, covering the clearing, a moment later the ice and snow begin to mealt away and life prepares to return for a moment again, a moment later all is warm, the grass is green and birds are singing again, only for a moment.
"Ninja-Wolf clan"Lonely
- 16 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
ya he was really nice. he owned me since I started on here a year ago and if anyone ever bought me he would get me back. I have no clue what happend to him and that really sucks. I don't know if you know but it can get really kaddy on here,people get really serious about this for some mom had told me that b4 I started and I don't really come on here and do anything and I have even seen No I don't need to own myself..yes you can own me.
- 16 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
hi Cindy, thats to bad about your owner, do You want an owner, or do you want to own yourself ? can I buy you ?
"Ninja-Wolf clan"Lonely
- 16 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
I now own myself because something happend to my owner.
- 16 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
Here is some flowers Cindy, and that was a very sweet thing you said about your childeren and wanting to always be there for your about me on profile...