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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown's tales
K here is one,
This giant turtle was chasing her..yes!... down the road she ran, takes a left and a right and over a few barrels on the way... up the hill and behind a shed, hiding she peerd around the corner... ... ...
" croa... croa "
Its on my tail , the giant turtle is running me down, how'd he find me ?... she thought of how nice the sunshine felt and the breeze on her face, still running almost passing out from exhaustion, through the tall grass, under a fallen tree or two, glancing back now and then to see a sharp beak pokin toward me,
up the steps to her house, feeling a little better, she tells everyone to stay absolutely quiet... ... ...
Luaren the youngest so inquisitive must know, must inquire as to why she is panting so hard, outta breath and bug eyed like the cartoons...
"SHe's out there... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"But mom, what's wrong? Who? mmmmmmmmmphfffffffffff"
as she pushes a hand over her mouth to quiet her, its too late, we've been made out...
A loud crash and crunch is heard as parts of the walls begin to crumble around us...
suddenly were moving the whole 2 story house has been lifted from the ground up into the air.... a certain uneasyness fills her..

Off in a corner closet she hears a faint squeeky noise... wondering what it is i carefully stumble my way accross the crumbling floor to the closet... opening it very...slowly...

Suddenly the door flys open and a turtle comes flopping out... "OMG what is that doing here?" ...
"its a baby turtle, isnt she cute mom" ?.....
"Cute? Cuuuuuuute? do you know what is gonna happen cause you always have to have something cute.....?"

The house was beggining to move faster now, water was starting to flow around thier feet, the baby turtle jumped off the edge into the deeper water and swam away....

water rose faster and faster all around them, covering thier feet, then legs and up to thier hips.... theye would have to swim now or drown...
Grabbing Lauren they dashed toward the window, she managed to push Lauren out the window just in time as it collapsed from the pressure.....
water flooded all around her, pulling left and right, then plunging down....
bubbles surrounded here, in a whirl of white.....she didnt know which way was up...
She woke up breathless.....
Unknown - 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago

These are my pets, i love them if you buy you must tend them well and take them for lots of walks and fun in the park...
Unknown - 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
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