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Unknown's tales
Ok so this is more of an apology than a tale...I haven't replied to any of your messages or anything for the past month or so as I kind of wanted to fall off the planet...see the thing is I was living in Scotland as those of you who know me already know, and I met a girl and fell pretty hard, gave her my heart in fact all was going really well I rode my bike to meet her in Nice and things were wonderful I had the time of my life....Now for a moment I must take you back in time to the last time I gave a girl my heart this was a very long 7 years ago, I did the most terrible thing to this girl and never really understood how much it had hurt her and why there is a part of her that will never forgive me...Now back to the present this girl I was seeing and had fallen so hard for ended up doing the very same thing to me...I can hear you all screaming out Karma and I guess it is...I felt terrible at first because of the way what had happened had made me feel but now it is more that I realise how much I hurt this person I still to this day love with my whole heart...I have been in a downward spiral of self hatrid and loathing not over the break up of my relationship but at the realisation that I caused someone I loved so much an enormous amount of pain and for this I will be eternally sorry!
Unknown Sexy
- 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
Here I am in the wee hours and unable to sleep...having to adjust to different time zones annoys me greatly....anyway enough whinging I have been contemplating buying a new bike over here, I have a the sexiest R1 back in Melbourne being carefully looked after by a good mate but I think it may be the thing I am missing here in Scotland...Whilst I have been out riding my cousin's bikes and I even borrowed one for a while from a mate it's not quite the same as having your own baby to tinker with and then hit the open road....the adrenalin rush that reminds you you're alive whilst bringing you so close to death is a remarkable thing and I do believe Scotland will be the perfect backdrop for some misadventures on the back of a new beast.... I think tomorrow I will be bike shopping...thank god for savings!
Unknown Sexy
- 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
I have returned to Scotland, and slept for the past 2 days... I'm already missing my nephews and neice like crazy, they are the main reason I'm missing home so much, it amazed me how much they had changed in the few short months I had been gone, and it worries me that I am missing some of the best times of their young lives...My Nephews are now at school and all grown up their little face lit up like christmas trees when they met me at the airport and I've never seen the tears from them that I saw when I left. Milly is coming along in leaps and bounds but also misses me terribly when I'm gone...this little girl has so much courage, at the age of 5 she suffered a severe stroke and as a result is paralysed down one side of her body, she is a fighter and seems to be gaining more and more strength everytime I see her...she's keeping the twins in line like a real little mother now she's the best big sister and the boys are so patient with her, but I couldn't help but think on my way home of all of the things this precious little girl with a heart of gold has been deprived of and it leads me to ask why????
Unknown Sexy
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Ok this is my first tale...I need some points to buy goodies for my favourite pets so please thumb... So I have been back in Melbourne a little over a week just for a flying visit for my birthday and also the birthday of one of my closest mates...Not sure what I was expecting but nothing felt the same as I disembarked from the plane... It's been almost 6 months since I left beautiful Melbourne for chilly Scotland and I can honestly say I was expecting that everything and everyone would remain as they were whilst I was away, I couldn't be more wrong...Firstly the weather had changed it is hot and I am absolutely loving it, there is nothing quite like a summer in the land downunder...secondly my group of friends have changed in a huge way, while some are now dating new people other's have had quarrels bigger than any I have seen leading to me not being able to see all my friends in the same place at the same time. I'm rambling now so I will just get to the point I was pondering, what is that suddenly snaps in people to make them do the wrong thing by the people they love? In this case I believe it has stemmed from one person's hurt leading to the need to hurt those around her, I could be wrong though. what is it about us that makes us push away the ones we love when we need them the most, is it that more hurt will stop the original hurt or is it something far deeper?
Unknown Sexy
- 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
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