so i was driving home from work yesterday and an this n*bhead in a crap car was driving up my arse for no reason as a queue of traffic was in front, then an ambulance comes shooting up, alarm blaring, so we all pull over to let it pass.... the next minute the ambulance goes past and he flies past behind it overtaking all the traffic, and then he cut down the side street i live off and nearly crashed back into the ambulance.... arrrgh, what a complete d*ck!! have cut my finger open from beeping him a bit too vigorously... why do these people exist???
Unknown "Fire & Ice" Sad
- 16 years, 5 months, 15 days ago
well, i am off to the V festival tomorrow, it's all very exciting, i'm not quite sure how well i will manage in a (potentially muddy) field without my creature comforts!! other news, beware ryanair, they have stolen my money and won't give it back!!!! i will save this tale for later! :)
Unknown "Fire & Ice" Sad
- 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
QUESTION: Where has my shop gone??? I wasn't selling anything of an unscrupulous nature, has there been a HP gremlin?? :( Answers on a postcard please! :)
Unknown "Fire & Ice" Sad
- 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
i want it all.
Unknown "Fire & Ice" Sad
- 16 years, 11 months ago
hi to all my fave pets and people on here... thought i would write a quick tale to apologise for being neglectful of late, have been (and still am) v busy at mo with lots of exams and work and stuff, booo.... and home improvements (still aching from my day as a labourer yesterday laying a wooden floor, gosh, i don't know how people do physical jobs, everywhere HURTS now, OW!) anyways... ttfn x
Unknown "Fire & Ice" Sad
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago