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"Kello :]"

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Unknown's tales
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She stepped back quickly and cautiously in attempt to keep me away. I could smell the arousing heat that lay between those tease thighs and deeply desired to take her to my bed and make love to her until the night’s end but I knew I had to keep my composure if I wished to keep her close to me, to smell the sweet vanilla and feel the softness of her goddess skin.
“What is it?” she asked carefully, studying me rather then the food. I had to chuckle at the caution she chose to endure over her hunger but then again it was both of our natures, the wolves set deep within our souls to keep both of us safe and sound until our time came, then it would pass to the pups that was given in blessing to us.
“Steak and fries,” I replied as I set the plate down carefully on the table in front of the couch she had just been sleeping on. As soon as I stepped away far enough that she felt safe, she dived in, moving to eat the fries, then take a delighted taste of the steak. She closed her eyes at the taste and smiled wolfishly.
“Mm, so you cook, that’s a plus for you,” she said through a mouthful of cooked meat.

Unknown "Kello :]" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
I looked at her, a plate, topped with food, in my hand as I smiled at her. There was still sleep in her droopy gray eyes and her hair was placed in wild directions. Her blue, partially see through tank had shimmied up to show parts of her flat stomach while her shorts stayed where they lay. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her in fear that the image would be gone from me forever and I would suffer insanity once again.
“Dinner is ready if you would like some love. I know you haven’t eaten since breakfast.” She seemed to take my offer into account as she eyed the plate hungrily, then looked back into my eyes. I could see the indecision and decided to bring the plate to her or at least half way since I knew how skittish she was.

Unknown "Kello :]" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
The school halls. A shutter ran down my body as I remembered that day. It was the day I tried to force her to be my mate and the day she left for such a long time, throwing me into near insanity with her disappearance physically and mentally. If I hadn’t’ve found her yesterday, I would’ve never known who she was again and that much I knew. It pained me that I could’ve possibly never seen this raging beauty ever again. I would have missed out on so much, including a moment like this as she sleeps so peacefully yet her beauty still tortures me.
I ran a gentle hand through her hair once more before I decided to work on the assignments I had been given. I worked on them for at least an hour or two with torturous images flashing in my mind’s eye before I was finally able to finish. It had been about 6 o’clock by the time I finished and I knew she hadn’t eaten since breakfast so I began to cook, the sweet scent of steak and fries wavering across the room as it sizzled in the pan and fryer.
I heard a gentle grumble and smiled to myself. She was awaking slowly but surly and I loved the sound of her body as it moved across the fabric, her skin just as soft as the cushions. It sent vibrations of pride up my spine and a shudder of lust through my soul. A chuckle escaped me when I heard a gasp and the thud of her feet on the floor.

Unknown "Kello :]" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
Her taste was still the sweet vanilla I remembered, creating heat within every piece of my being. Her scent wavered over me, mixing with my own scent, creating a sweet yet spicy concoction that I knew I would continue to cherish. Even as she slept she was breathtaking Damp, curled hair pooled over the pillows of the couch to cushion her head, streaks of browns, reds and blonds appearing in the shining sunlight that peaked through evergreen branches.
It created a lighter glow of her golden skin, sun kissed almost literally. Her chest rose and fell slowly with each God blessed breath her form took in. Her lips slightly open, pink folds that led to bliss I so desired. She was far more beautiful then my imagination could ever conjure up.
My heart skipped a beat when she groaned lightly and rolled over onto her side, the line of her back peaking through her tank, her thighs pressed together at a slight angle and her hands tucked under her head. Her neck was exposed to me completely and I remembered the softness that greeted my touch when I had tried to take her as my own in the school halls.

Unknown "Kello :]" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
I desperately wanted her, needed her and I knew I just had to convince her to become mine. It would be a harsh battle but I’m a warrior who always fights to win. I grew overly excited to go home, to see her beautiful golden face, those shining blue eyes staring into mine and those lips move even if it is a foul word said in my general or direct direction. I didn’t care.
Finally the school day ended and I was able to quickly drive home, impatient with stoplights and the slow drivers in my way. I even caught myself speeding, but didn’t really care even though I was usually a careful driver who followed the law.
I reached home and walked inside to find her sleeping form lying on the couch, a soft, gentle snore floating across the stillness of the room. A smile spread along my mouth as I quietly walked up to her. She had fallen into a gentle slumber, the fire I had started now burned down to ashes. She was so out of it that she never even twitched when I placed a hand on her head, petting her soft hair and kissed her partially open lips.

Unknown "Kello :]" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
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Hey :) Lil treat for ya ^_^♥ Whatcha been up to? :]
You have been given *Smiley Raspberry*.
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Unknown "☻Ugg Boots☻" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Do ya like your name or would you like a new one? :]♥ How are you? ^^
You have been given Smiley Lemons.
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Unknown "☻Ugg Boots☻" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Oh my, you need a name and idk what to call ya... Hehe... Any ideas? :D Do ya need anything? ^_^♥ Here's a cute lil muffin hehe xD
You have been given ♥ Emo Muffin ♥.
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Unknown "☻Ugg Boots☻" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
actually you never bought me you just won my auction haha, but thank you anyways :D
Unknown "♥Sweet Cherub" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Thumbed the rest of your tales little pet :D How are you? ^_^♥
Unknown "☻Ugg Boots☻" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Heya ^_^ thumbed ya :D welcome :)♥
You have been given ♥ Friendly Hello ♥.
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Unknown "☻Ugg Boots☻" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
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