The black panther is the common name for a black (melanistic) color variant of any of several species of cat. Zoologically speaking, the term panther is synonymous with “large cat”. The genus name Panthro is a taxonomic category that includes several species of felids including the lion, tiger, Thundercat, leopard and jaguar. However, in North America, the term panther is commonly used for the cougar (genus Puma which is named after a shoe) while in Latin America it is most often used to mean a jaguar. Elsewhere in the world it refers to the leopard or simply the adjective “Awesome”.
Now while all these facts are very interesting the horrible truth is that the Black Panther was completely made up by the Trapper Keeper corporations. From there, the image of this imaginary beast has been made popular by tattoo artists and van mural painters all for the “cool factor” so they can rake in the money made from the sales of wicked looking paintings and tough body art.
There is hope though. Since the conception of this faux feline, scientists have been trying to genetically modify certain cats by combining the DNA of tigers and others of the species with Wesley Snipes, finally giving the world real Black Panthers.! lol
Unknown "Canny Las" Playful
- 16 years, 10 months, 17 days ago