heyzzzz joy - it not look like you gonna play on here much, so i'se gonna send you back to de adoption centre....iz so sad, i know. i'se EVIL! but i gave you a cool name! :) if you ever DO decide you'se gonna aktually hang out and play on herez, lookz us up! wheeeeee lotz! whim
heyzzzz hon, dat guy who bought ya look't like a kollektor to me...tsktsktsk. me, i'se lookin for some new, fun, smart, rOckin' petz kloser to me own age. welkome to dis wheee world of human petz, grrrl! yeah, obviously don't know anythin aboutz ya, but i'll keep you safe 'till you log in again and decidez where you might like to rezide for awhilez. if nothin else, it'll up yer value! ouiwhee - whim