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Name: |
Unknown, 54/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 11:50 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 6 months, 1 day ago |
Location: | Canada
About me:
Full-time parent of two girls(6&15) Roofer (would that make me a roofette?) and sometimes just me!
I like sunshine, playing outside,laughing,good friends,my truck, and life in general!
I LIVE LIFE REAL! (no drinking,no drugs!)
I work hard and like to play hard,will never entirely grow-up .....Just ask if you want to know!
About you:
Humour, and sensuality a must!! I like a wild side, but tempered with a love of simple pleasures.
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds: | ~Ink & Steel~, Corsets, Burlesques, and Pinups!, Vintage Erotica, We Have Tattoos, Suicide Girls, victoria, bc, GOLD MEMBERS ONLY |
100000 pts
10133 pts
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Unknown's tales
God it's hot out! balanced in a crouch on the ridge of a roof-top,30 feet in the air. No wind, and one hell of a view of the ocean... their's an eagle slowly circling above me, and the property is mostly still wild growth. salt air, pine, baked cedar,and tobacco. I love summer!
Unknown "Shadow" Evasive
- 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
It's strange how when it rains I choose to go introspective on my own ass.....start reviewing the last little while, giving the emotional side of my character a run for her money! I still seem to play the circus in my head.( as one person I know has said many times,"get out of your head, there is no adult supervision in there!") And on certain times, this is very true.....when it rains, I need to distract myself with shiny objects,comforting things and phone calls to real human beings. I am still fairly new to the tekkie age!The computer is so impersonal,you can make a slight connection, but that's it. Sensory deprovation....that's what it's all about! Sterile comes to mind also. Let's face it, humans are messy things, and in my opinion, that's part of our charms! Touch, just brushing by somebody,hugging someone you're close to,shaking hands. Sight, seeing them smile and the different emotions roll across their features. Smell, warm skin,soap,antiperspirant,shampoo,dryer sheets,whatever.. To interact soley on this box, we give up all that.... The computer is a tool of communication, but let's not forget the world outside our windows!! Let it rain.....
Unknown "Shadow" Evasive
- 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Oh....A quiet moment....I'd forgotten what those are like! Time to re-center and get ready for the next onslaught of extreme energy....3,2,1,GO! The door flies open, slamming against the wall. They enter.....the teens, must be 10 or 12 by the sound of them, all talking at once and trying to be heard. (In reality there is only 4!) Followed closely by what they very kindly remind me is a dog ( the family pet stands about 10 inches high and is a foot and a half long).....I think weasel posing as dog, and am corrected with scathing sarcasm.They decend like starving locusts on our poor, defenseless fridge, snapping and growling, devouring everything that constitutes "food" for them. Meanwhile, lurking in the background, Is the 5 year old (NEVER underestimate this little charmer.....she will bite the hand that feeds with a smile on her cherubic face) She's winding up for the delivery of the mother of all tantrums!( Something has pissed her off and she likes to share her angst.)Her scream starts low like a rumble and works it's way into an octave an opera singer would be proud of. (my fight or flight response is kicking in!) An over-abundance of stimuli,nerons firing randomly,pure SHOCK!........Deeeeeep Breaaaaathe! I scream "STOOOOOOOP! EVERYBODY JUST STOP!" Silence, blessed peace.........."OK, what is going on here?" An open invitation to all tell me at once....voices raised in indignation. I retreat........conquered for the moment, the battle is not lost.........Just need a better strategy! LOL! The life of the parent!
Unknown "Shadow" Evasive
- 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago
Needful things
stuff I find that apeals to me, images I like.
Most recent customers:
"My Ska!"
700000 pts
My heart is home ♥
1628899 pts
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