About me:
You know, I would like to say that I am an 'ordinary 24 year old guy languishing in Canberra', but unfortunately I cannot... Oh I can say the 24 year old guy languishing bits, but I can't justifiably say that I am 'ordinary'. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not extraordinary either... I'm an anal-retentive, socially stunted 24 year old male with delusions of grandeur that are held back only by a crippling lack of self worth. And before you start to think that I am a prime candidate for a straight jacket or that I am saying this as some thinly veiled grab for 'oh don't say that about yourself's, don't bother... it is merely an observation of myself and where I need to pick up my act... only something I have been working on for 24 years, but getting better all the time!