Raised by a pygmy tribe located on a small island in the south pacific, I rowed my way to england on a small boat made of woven banana skins where I started my own business as a Madame for a midget brothel (the wee girls remind me of home)! I enjoy juggling hedgehogs and hunting for haggis and pixies on sunday afternoons, long stands, origami battles and grappling with the space time continuum as the invisible shield around my home island is in serious need of repair and stephen hawking, the twat, insists that the matabolic rate of deterioration cannot be slowed, i disagree altogether but that is our argument and i won't drag you into it. I can be found most Tuesdays outside popular supermarkets touting for business for my brothel, and saturday evening slumped drunkenly in gutters with vagrants.
About you:
Every Free-Thinker. Revolutionay. Visionary. Philosopher. Activist.Weirdo. Gonzo.
Oh and anyone in search of midget love.
Donz "B.S.L."Feisty
- 14 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
i have had so little time of late my dear fellow beasts so am very sorry for my blatant lack of attention to you, I promise some quality play time and tummy tickles and brothel speciality cocktails to make up for it real soon... one of my projects taking up so much of my time can be found here if anyone is interested..... http://www.myspace.com/maddylaverick Donz "B.S.L."Feisty
- 14 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Todays song of choice, cos obviously it is my birthday!!!! It is one of the finer birthday songs out there and you can't help but tap along at the very least.. though leaping about your bedroom is far more appropriate!! wild tutu anyone??
Donz "B.S.L."Feisty
- 14 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
It has been far too long since I sat and actually wrote a tale, and this is a poor attempt at one, but I shall write one...later.... but wanted to convey that I had been quite ill with cold and not really been online an awful lot this last week or so, and apologise to those I regularly converse with that may have thought I had ran off back to my pygmy inhabited island for good..... this is not the case!!! x nice to know you are missed always though Donz "B.S.L."Feisty
- 15 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
and a seasonal tribute too
I was following the pack all swallowed in their coats with scarves of red tied ’round their throats to keep their little heads from fallin’ in the snow And I turned ’round and there you go And, Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime Donz "B.S.L."Feisty
- 15 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
a place to buy quirky and exotic niceties! Will you walk into my parlour?" Said the spider to the fly; "'Tis the prettiest little parlour That ever you did spy. The way into my parlour Is up a winding stair; And I have many curious things To show you when you're there