The wings I see are tinged with gold
Time is endless or so I'm told
Feathery white, I know you're there
In my heart I know you care
Over your shoulder here we are
Staying close never far
Wrap me up envelop me
I need you Angel, can't you see?
Shield me now within your wings
Songs of joy we'll always sing
Hold me tight and take me high
You belong to me in my sky
Protect and love and nurture me
I need you Angel, can't you see?

Dear Grandpa,
What can I tell you now that I didn't in those last few days we had with you? I think I pretty much told you all I needed and wanted you to know. I know you knew I was there, I understood. New Years day will always be tinged with much sadness as I will always remember sitting for hours with mum at your side and preying that you were not in pain (although I know this not to be true). I hope you finally found some peace before you left us. At your final viewing I finally, for the first time in my whole life saw you as my aged grandpa, not the sick man I have always known, That quiet time just you and I is something I will cherish forever, I know I told you I wouldn't cry but at that point they were tears of relief as I knew you were FINALLY resting peacefully.
I will always love and miss you.
Much love and respect, Forever your "Little Doll"...... Theresa-Anne xox
Rest In Peace Grandpa, Until we meet again xox
Theresa Tatham "Wiccan Flower" Purring
- 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago