Dear Hazel,
I don't know why i took so long to write to you this time.
I know i'm too late, though we've not spoke for over a decade...
I can't help but shed tears each time reality hits me.
You were my best friend since young.
Remember we played zero-point almost everyday before class and we skipped recess just to play?
Remember how you would wait for me after class just to go back home together? I had to stay back for remedial coz i sucked at maths. I still suck at it though.
Remember you came over my place one day, we played truant and lit candles from the corridor to the kitchen? How we tried to get rid of the wax but couldn't...
I was caned badly coz i burned the washing machine cover.
I wonder if your mom knew you skipped sch just to burned my house down, what would she do to you?haha...
Remember i'd always come by your place to play and u had to chase me back home by 6pm, coz thats the time your mom comes back from work and she doesn't like finding you playing with a friend.
Remember we use to go for tuition together at night? I'd look forward to it coz i was able to sit next to you. We were in different classes in pri6. We'd buy small little gifts, penned little notes to each other and exchange them during tuition.
You loved tweety bird. I wonder if you still do...
This is so much i can remember.. we were so young and innocent.
You dragged me to City Harvest Church one day and they had the "laughing spirit" you laughed your lungs out and i thought you really looked corny.
anyways i laughed along eventually...
Your mom told me you wrote abt me in your diary those years, like you were talking to me.. I'm sorry we had to go to seprate schs later on..
I'm sorry we lost contact eventually..
Most of all, I'm sorry i didn't speak to you on MSN
I never thought you'd just leave me without saying goodbye.
I hate you a little, coz you keep making me cry, i see your face when i close my eyes.
Why didn't you come speak to me??
I have soooooooo much to tell you.
I still remember how you spoke, soft and gentle.
Hazel, are you with god now?
Have you been freed from all the pain?
are you smiling now?
Maybe God just needed another angel,
to look out especially for me,
I know you'll always be with me,
In my heart there will always be a place for you.
I know your better now
but I still wish to see you again,
and I know one day I will,
and we will have the best of times, together,
I will walk next to you for years,
and never be away from you again.
Unknown "The Queen" Adored
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago