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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown, 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:47 PM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 2 days ago
Location: Canada

"I am at the wallmart, making the savings"
About me:
Im usually writing, drawing, or playing WoW as a vari shexy troll shaman [horde ftw]. that or going to nathan avenue when lost. Im now a burger bitch at rotten ronnies, and I live in an apartment with my boyfriend. We arnt the healthiest eaters out their--I only make dinner once or twice a week. One night then we order out chineese. then another night pizza. ..... not the best, I know.
About you:
kinda like to meet some other silent hill fanaticks....
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds: Silent Hill, The zombies are coming. Be ready
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Unknown's tales
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So, Im without a job atm.
Kind of.
GLC is keeping me on a long leash, so i get some hours in with them.
Ryans birthday is coming up soondisable=3.

We have pokemon staduium for the wii. Weve yet to play it, and tonight i think is RE4, and depending on the cash I have from PAAAYDAAAAAAAAy <3 today, Ill maybe buy takeout. if not, at least little ceasers.

Landons scars is 70 cm. long, and ive finally found the ends Im going to be using for the scarf. since its merchant inspired, Im going to put shimmering-blue yarn ina quazzi-flame pattern at the edges of it. After that, Im not sure what to work on. Itll be done in a few weeks, maybe just one, and then i am not sure what to knit. Im not ready for a hat yet [for sheldon] and i have cable needles, so maybe legwarmers or a nother more complex scarf.
Unknown "SleepyDemon" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
Tales of Silent Hill.
Anwen got me silent Hill 2 for christmas last year, and we stayed up every night when she was up, playing it untill 4, when we'd go to bed and then wake up at one or so, go shopping, visit and then bunk down to play around 11 or twelve.
One night, while playing SH2, Anwen suggested that we stop in the bathroom for a save point; we had two swag missions to go and then a boss [in theory]. We were at the Toluca prison, just after the humane society, and so I entered the Girl’s bathroom.
“Their should be one above the urinals.”
“These aren’t urinals. They are toilettes.”
“Well, go into the men’s”
“Wouldn’t let me.”
So, the first stall was open. I go inside; no reassuring red paper that was a save point. Oddosity. Second stall is a clutter; door is crooked and its filled with shit. But no save point. Now, their was either four or three, but the final stall door was closed. So, I knocked upon it After anwen instructed me to do so, while scowering the walk through for pointers and tips. But it said nothing about the bathroom.
I knock on the door and the screen reads “I keep knocking…but no one is answering.”
I read it off to her and we exchange glances, and so I look around the bathroom a little more; nothing above the mirrors….
So, I looked back in the first stall. Nothing. Second stall. Nothing.
Final stall…
“I keep knocking, but nobody is answering.’
Creepy as hell, especially after two or so hours of Silent Hill. You KNOW something is up. You just know it.
SO, I keep knocking as anwen reads through the thing, each time getting the same thing.
The basement is dead quiet. Theirs no music in the bathroom. Just silence.
Finally, I sighed, saying ‘Screw this, its only for a swag mission and a boss.” And so I go o the door to leave, push X, and We hear a door PUSH open—like slammed open.
Well, we reentered. Nothing.
I was so creeped, I just shut it off. Turns out that we had the wrong side of the prison.
Unknown "SleepyDemon" Frisky - 17 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
Alright, so, everyones still o.k from the accident. With luck, Stallin is fixable!
itll be about 300 dollars and will be done this week, but Im not sure how much I will be able to ride with confidence in Stallin.
Anyways, apparentkly the guy is going through ICBC without telling nick so in 2 months we'll know how thats going.
In later news, bradey puked.
then licked my face
As well, Im going to viccy soon, ya'll!
Unknown "SleepyDemon" Frisky - 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
Today on the way home we got into a car accidnet.
We were lucky--tim, nick, andrew and I all amde it ok, andrew only with a bleeding nose,a nd i was hypervenolating and panicing a bit. I got to go into an ambulance, though. Right now theirs a mark on my chest and im a little sore,. and earlier I was stutteriong.
Stallin--Nicks car, is a goner.
Unknown "SleepyDemon" Frisky - 17 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Bradey ahs this little game he likes to play whenever he is in a hostile puppy-kinda mood.
He pushes a toy [most commonly a pop bottle] under the couch and puts the frount of his body under the couch in an ''effort'' to find his toy. As soon as you bend down/over or reach under the couch to find it, he attacks, runnign around the couch to bite you savagly ina cute but bad puppy way.
Her particularily likes hair...
Unknown "SleepyDemon" Frisky - 17 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
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Beck the Cheeky Monkey
I came, I thumbed, I shopped :P
Beck the Cheeky Monkey "True heart" - 16 years, 7 months ago
thumbed your tales. Thanks for dropping by (",)
You have been given thanks for shopping!!.
Crafted by Lishaznia
Lishaznia "Shisha babe" Happy Chinese New Year!! - 16 years, 7 months, 22 days ago
You have been given dr frankenfurter & friends.
Crafted by lacylynn
Unknown "あうろら" Dazed - 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
Thanx for shopping at my store got ur tales to give u a few points back x
Nokomis "Moon & Stars" Serene - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago

You have been given wassup!?.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "SleepyDemon" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
whoooooah mannnnnnnn
You have been given trapped in interstellar 2-D.
Crafted by Unknown
Ani "§ Boko" - 16 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Little Shop of Deals

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