i was found wondering around the streets of chicago. my life has never been the same since that one fateful day. I guess that just the way things work here. I didn't know much about my background before now. I wish i didn't know. Its... just really hard to believe my past. I still don't fully believe it. It can't be real, can it? No definitely not. Wait what was that. Oh no! They found me. Ah i thought they lost my trail. I...have to go. *gets up and starts running as fast as I possibly can* i am also the creator of bumble store with the best gifts in the wide wide world of human pets stores. Unknown"Ville :)"Lazy
- 17 years, 29 days ago
"Just Isa"loving..
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Yes.. our thoughts are free... Although, I am not so much Latin literate.. I know some stuff and they have became my favorite quotes.. I can tell you I understand many things because my native language is Spanish and I also know Italian and some French.
"Just Isa"loving..
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Haha, why thank you for sharing! You must be pretty nice for sharing with someone who wouldn't share with you! :D
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
alright kid, can u delete me from your shop, its kinda freaky. thanks
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
interesting. thanks kid. lata, btw i love the hobo bag lunch hahaha
- 16 years, 11 months ago
Hah sure we can have a friendship! :D and you are not getting any of my jacks. it's all mine. mine mine mine. i'm greedy :)
- 16 years, 11 months ago
this is a place where the magical things of life are sold. the end. i sell tea and monkeys and kites and frogs and turtles and monkeys and handles and pens and calculators and i sell you hugs aww isn't that nice of me anyway. let me continue my story about the first trip i went on. It was 1926 the year was cold dark and void of good music. i of course was little septic at first i mean its the twenties its scary to go there. so anyway as soon as i got there i was a little tired so i dosed of on the sidewalk next to this hobo named rob. rob was a nice man not the best looking man he was of odd proportions one eye bigger then the other his head was misshapen and his legs were bent into half circles. we became best friends and surprisingly i was his first friend, i think because he smelled like urine and cabbage. but i didn't mind. so anyway as i was saying me and rob hit it off. i gave him food and he sang me songs, more or less just babbling and screeching and the occasional flailing of limbs. now rob was very fond of this one rock he had he said it was to quote "teh verryist specialist thing that mine own thing gave me, ahahaa *sigh* *cough*." after which he would usually just fall asleep. now this rock was special if he really knew it or not. this rock had been enchanted by a vodo master in 1362 to curse a man with bad mojo whose very presence in the little town kajubwab threatened the life of every man women child and hermaphrodite. well anwyway the rock was cursed. one day however the rock decided to go on a little trip of its own being tired of cursing the blatantly ignorant man under whose care it was given. the rock wondered off in the middle of the night carrying a crudely folded napkin tied around a gangly limb of a tree it had found the earlier night. this rock went on to be the patron saint of hobo's around the world. and it put itself in the possession of rob. making rob king of hobo's that is my story the end.