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Lady Obssidian | - Free online hangout and friends
Darryl owns this human at 1299 points.

Lady Obssidian
Lady Obssidian

Lady Obssidian
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Blood 'n' Darkness, Vampires, Eat My Brain, Go Insane!, Discotech Necronomicon, True Vampire Kin
Lady's tales
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Lady Obssidian

FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!

1. How tall are you barefoot? 5'5"
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? NOPE
3. Do you own a gun? NOPE
4. Do you play with the ads on the side of the screen? NOPE
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? YES!!!
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Ok,BUT NOT MY FAVE UNLESS SMOTHERED IN KETCHUP...LOL
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? DON'T HAVE ONE
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Can you do push ups? YES,BUT I DON'T BOTHER...LOL
10. Is your bathroom clean? YEP,AT THE MOMENT
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelery? LEATHER WRAP AROUND BRACELET..UNTILL I GET MY ENGAGEMENT RING!!!!!!!!! HEHE <3
12. Do you like pain killers? UH,ONLY WHEN I AM IN PAIN...LOL
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? SERIOUSLY?, MY EYES....;)
14. Do you own a knife? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ;)
16. Middle Name? I GOT ONE...LOL
18. What's your normal bed time? PRETTY MUCH WHEN I GET TIRED..LOL
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? COFFEE,PEPSI,DR. PEPPER
20. What time did you wake up today? 6:30 AM...BLAH...
21. Name one person that comes to mind right now? MARCEL <3
22. Current worry? WAITING FOR LIFE 2 START..
23. Current hate? BEING LONELY
24. Favorite place to be? CEMETERY
25. Least favorite place to be? MY DARK MIND
27. Do you own slippers? YEP
29. How many people have ever truly broken your heart? ( 3),I DON'T GIVE MY HEART AWAY EASILY..EVERYTIME I HAVE..IT WAS SMASHED TO BITS,THAT HAS CHANGED NOW <3
31. Would you be a pirate? ARRRRG....LOL
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? OVER 2 MONTHS AGO :)
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? SING?..UH..THE SESAME STREET SONG...LOL
34. What did you fear was going to get you in the night as a child? NORMAL PEOPLE...
35. What's in your pockets right now? NO POCKETS...
36. Is anyone on your mind right now? YES...
37. Do you think you get enough exercise? SOMETIMES
38. Worst injury you've ever had? LOADED QUESTION..BROKEN ALMOST EVERY BONE IN MY BODY..
39. If you could cheat on your spouse, would you? HELL FREAKIN NO!!!!!!!
40. Why? been on the receiving end of that pain? YES AND IT KILLS..
42. Who is your most silent friend? NONE OF MY FRIENDS ARE SILENT...LOL
43. Does someone have a crush on you? YES
44. Do you wish on shooting stars? ACTUALLY,YES
45. What is your favorite book? UH..PSYCHIC VAMPIRE CODEX,POPPY Z. BRITE STUFF
46. What is your favorite candy? CHOCOLATE!
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? "STILL LOVING YOU" BY THE SCORPIONS. <3
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? MY DYING BRIDE.. VIOLIN VERSION
49. What is one of your favorite quotes? "LEAD ME NOT INTO TEMPTATION,I CAN FIND IT MYSELF"
50. What were you doing 12 AM last night? LISTENING TO MUSIC
Lady Obssidian Tender - 14 years, 15 days ago
Lady Obssidian
Wow..I haven't been on here in 2 years!
Lady Obssidian Tender - 14 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Lady Obssidian
Greetings!..I am back!..after a looooong illness..comp crashed and name happened!..but I am back and have missed you all so very much!!!!!..let me know how you have been!

Much Vampire Love!..*MWAH*
Lady Obssidian Tender - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Lady Obssidian
ugh....You know your addicted to HP when you start dreaming that you were stolen away from your owner!..I need a life....LMAO!

Much Vampire Luv!..*MWAH*
Lady Obssidian Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Lady Obssidian
Hmm..So I sign on to HP and I get this odd news flash...
4/1 - Handling disputes - In an effort to prevent fights on HP, from now on songwriter Rick Astley will have a permanent spot on everyone's profile, as their pet. This serves a dual purpose as well, reminding us of how to party like it's still 1990. ""

Low and behold..RICK ASTLEY is indeed a pet..LMAO! on it and it takes you to youtube for his one hit wonder.."never gonna give you up"..LMAO!..ummm..WTF???..I can't stop laughing..but I do wish I could have picked my own musical stress relief pet ,it surely would not be Rick Astley!..maybe there is some stress relief angsty music for ya!..LOL
Kudos to HP for having a great sense of humor on APRIL FOOLS DAY!!..;}~

Much Vampire Luv!..*MWAH*

Lady Obssidian Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
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A Christmas Kiss You have been given A Christmas Kiss.
Crafted by Lady BlackWolfe
Obssidian "Azazel" BLOOD.SEKTOR - 13 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Violette Sinderz

u will ♥ me 4 my mind dammit! You have been given u will ♥ me 4 my mind dammit! .
Crafted by Violette Sinderz
Violette Sinderz "Steam Punk" Serene - 13 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
Violette Sinderz
just remember, if you ever sell him, we're splittting the points ;) :D
nuns with guns You have been given nuns with guns.
Crafted by Ian
Violette Sinderz "Steam Punk" Serene - 13 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
Violette Sinderz

A bloody rose You have been given A bloody rose.
Crafted by Lady Obssidian
Violette Sinderz "Steam Punk" Serene - 13 years, 3 months, 7 days ago
Scarlet Onyx

An obscenely pleasing coffee. You have been given An obscenely pleasing coffee..
Crafted by Scarlet Onyx
Scarlet Onyx "VH" - 13 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
very very nice
T-VIRUS "todd" burning up - 13 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
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Lady's shop
Mina's Market of Mahem!!!!!

For lovers of the goth subculture..vampire/vampyre..or otherkin..;}


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