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Herds: We Love Weed!!
"Nessy Bear"
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Unknown's tales
sttin on a corn flak, wish i was
Unknown "オオカミ" Inspired - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
putting personal feelings on a nameless site for the world to see is alot of fun. So hers my thoughts, which you are ll anxiously awaiting, on...pot:
So many names, gang sinsemilla, marijuana, cannabis, I could go on for hours...literally hours. Everyone likes it, or at least down to earth sane people understand its positive effects out way its illegality. Mary Jane (anther one) is fun you toke get high and; party, create, sleep, eat, eat then sleep, watch TV, f@&K, smoke more or Watch TV, eat, screw, then sleep all while smoking. I go to a very pot friendly school, despite what some may say. Some of the best comes through here but it makes you think, is it ll that great. I want to smoke, its social its fun it makes me laugh, but it also takes away from me. I see people o it and they are creative, but they are also stoned so they dont always reach there full potential. Yet if every one in the world put down the guns and picked up a joint (or two for our more expericened audience.) Then world peace would reign supreme, for three or four hours, all depends on the potency. Its such an interesting culture, it can draw you in and swirl you into a world that spans time and space. I love my local head shops, because it is one of the few remaining small businesses in my area. My local tobacconist knows me ad what I like, I can bargain with him and at least have a meaningful conversation. Yet because of social conceptions, while based in reality but totally over blown, no one, but a few want to relate to this type of thinking. I see pot as something that can be spiritually, yet the only religion to truly endorse it is not something I can technically join (Im kinda white) plus my allegiance is already founded to a religion. The concept of all this makes a question our use of pot, most would say to relive stress or escape. I use it to escape, but is this a construct to keep us down as a whole ( stay with me this may get a little weird). Was pot put out there by the man to give us an illegal release so we wont bitch about our jobs? This may be a paranoid thought brought on by the weed (and anther), but its still scary. Moving away from this cynicism, I ask anyone who read this to share with the beauty that is cannabis culture, and tell me what is your favorite type of pot? mine is some good old ITC blueberry
Unknown "オオカミ" Inspired - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Recently I read anthers really deep tales, and I thought it might be nice to vaguely splurge my thought process out or yall.

Two flags ripple high above me one to die the other to live. The road divides it's self and I must choose a side, one path lies greatness, the other loyaty. One is new the other is old, with a flickering pride men march down both. love hope and anticipation streams from there harts and blood from there minds. To join their ranks is only the greatest of men can I sit and wonder. Torn are my lives, one with faith and the other with logic. My ancient heart for one my modern for anther, who to follow. The sun will soon set, yet here I sit...alone my people on one side my friends on the other. To live for both is the only answer to my tired mind comes. Yet I am only one.

Then I remembered I don't write, because i suck at writing. So I will do what I do best, direct.
Unknown "オオカミ" Inspired - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Two old men sat silently over their tea for what could have been or at least seemed like hours, finally one of them said, "Oy, veh!"
The other said "Your telling me"
Unknown "オオカミ" Inspired - 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Logic, is it so simple

All A's are B's
Some C's are A's
Some C's are B's
Unknown "オオカミ" Inspired - 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago

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I shall... I've been to Tahoe... in summer. ^^;

You have been wrapped.
Unknown "K <3" Tired - 17 years, 23 days ago
"Intense" huh? XD O.o I'm so jealous, so snowy... I have yet to -touch- snow... I've seen it but never gotten the chance O_O crazy, huh?

Btw, I'm buying you.

You have been given a coffee break.
Unknown "K <3" Tired - 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago

You have been given Have some real beer....
Crafted by
Unknown "Crash-Bam" Cheeky - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
snowboard =D

I love it but missed the season last year.....hoping I'll get a chance this year
Unknown "Crash-Bam" Cheeky - 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago

I own you! =p
**pet pet**
Unknown "Crash-Bam" Cheeky - 17 years, 2 months ago
Actually, i don't. though that might be fun for a day.. or 2. Haven't you read any of my other polls? they're pretty much ridiculous. hahah
Unknown "Jillibean NFS" Adventurous - 17 years, 2 months ago
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