- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
You areso very welcome Lou, we are or should all try to help one an other. If you are away for a wee while, does not really matter i do not come in here that often. But do keep an eye on my beautiful ladies. You please take care Lou,have a nice day/evening. Rob xxx
- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken exploring Egypt.
- 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Hi Lou, well how are you today my very beautiful,stunning lady. Ihope yourself and the kid's' are in fine fettle. And thing's are going well for you all. Been having beautiful weather up here in Scotlad for a wee channge, so been making the most of it lol. Lou if you want to jazz your profile up a little, i am sure when you are in Homeon your profile, on the left side you will see edit. Hit that and it takes you to where you can choose what animal you want to be and a few other thing's. Just in csae you did not know, you please take care Lou, have a nice day/evening with the kid's. Rob xxxxs